FS 23


MAT142Lineare Algebra II für Physik
Th, 10.15-12.00 in Y16G05
MAT605Logic and Foundations with Haskell
Th, 08.00-09.45 in Y27H12
MAT788Characteristic Classes
Mo, 08.00-09.45 in Y27H12
MAT788DPCharacteristic Classes (DP)
Mo, 08.00-09.45 in Y27H12

Research seminars

MAT074Talks in mathematical physics
Th, 15.00-17.00 in ETH HG G 43
Alberto Cattaneo, Giovanni Felder, Matthias Gaberdiel, Gian Michele Graf, Peter Hintz, Thomas Willwacher

No lectures or seminars for this semester.

No lectures or seminars for this semester.

No lectures or seminars for this semester.