
Thursday November 3, 2016

10h00 Welcome & Coffee
11h00 Jon Keating, University of Bristol, Arithmetic statistics, function fields, and matrix integrals
12h00 Lunch
13h30 Philippe Biane, Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée, Hitting times and zeta function
14h35 Thierry de la Rue, Université de Rouen Normandie, Asymptotic Orthogonality of Powers, the MOMO property and small-interval estimations for the Möbius function
15h35 Coffee break
16h15 Emmanuel Kowalski, ETH Zürich, Functional limit theorems in number theory

Friday November 4, 2016

09h30 Francesco Cellarosi, Queen's University, A stochastic process from quadratic Weyl sums
10h30 Coffee break
11h00 Gérald Tenenbaum, Institut Élie Cartan Nancy, Arithmetical processes
12h00 Lunch
14h00 Yann Bugeaud, Université de Strasbourg, Normal numbers: recent results and open problems
