Math 109c: Introduction to Geometry and Topology

Feedback Form

Instructor: Alexander Gorodnik
Office: 172 Sloan
Phone: 395-4325
E-mail: gorodnik "at" caltech "dot" edu

Office Hours: MW 1:30-2:30pm and by appointment

TA: Dongping Zhuang
E-mail: dongping at caltech dot edu
Office hour: Tu. 4-5pm (Sloan 385)

Course Objective: Math 109c is the final part of the 109 sequence (Introduction to geometry and topology). In this course, we cover the fundamentals of differential topology:

Prerequisites: Ma 109ab, and Ma 108 must be taken previously or concurrently.

Books: The main references for this course are

Another nice textbook is We also recommend a short lovely introduction to the subject:

Grading Policy: Weekly homework (50%), a midterm (20%) and a final (30%). Late work will only be accepted with a valid and a well-documented explanation. Please, contact the TA to submit late homework.
