Ma 157a: Riemannian Geometry I

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Instructor: Alexander Gorodnik
Office: 172 Sloan
Phone: 395-4325
E-mail: gorodnik "at" caltech "dot" edu
Office Hours: TBA and by appointment

Time: MW 2:30-4:00pm, 257 Sloan

Course Description:
Ma 157a is an introductory course in Riemannian geometry. The course will begin with the basic notions of Riemannian geometry (such as metrics, geodesic flow, connections, curvature, Jacobi fields, etc.), which describe local structure of Riemannian manifolds. It is one of the fundamental problems of modern Riemannian geometry is to understand how local properties of a manifold are related to its global geometry and topology. We illustrate this relations by the classical results of Cartan-Hadamard, Myers and Synge. In the end we discuss some of more advanced topics (comparison theorems, Klingenberg's sphere theorem, dynamics of geodesic flow, etc.)

Prerequisites: A background in the basic topology of smooth manifolds, for example, Ma109c.

Grading Policy: Homework problems will be collected.


We do not follow any single book closely. There are two recommended introductory textbooks

Other useful sources are