Several statistical test functions as well as a function for exploratory data analysis to investigate classifiers allocating individuals to one of three disjoint and ordered classes. In a single classifier assessment the discriminatory power is compared to classification by chance. In a comparison of two classifiers the null hypothesis corresponds to equal discriminatory power of the two classifiers.


See vignette("Overview", package = "trinROC") for an overview of the package. Further, sd(), var() and cov() are chosen with options(trinROC.MLE = TRUE) according to the maximum likelihood estimates (default). Change to sample estimates by setting options(trinROC.MLE = FALSE)


Noll, S., Furrer, R., Reiser, B. and Nakas, C. T. (2019). Inference in ROC surface analysis via a trinormal model-based testing approach. Stat, 8(1), e249.


Maintainer: Annina Cincera


Other contributors:

  • Benjamin Reiser [contributor]

  • Christos T. Nakas [contributor]