Institut für Mathematik


Prof. Dr. Rémi Abgrall

Institut für Mathematik & Computational Science
Universität Zürich
Winterthurerstrasse 190
CH-8057 Zürich

Fax: +41 44 635 57 06
Büro: Y27J38
Scientific Computing
Franziska Robmann

+41 44 635 58 31
2D and 3D Residual distribution code (2nd, 3rd order, for Compressible Euler and Navier Stokes equations on hybrid meshes Authors: R. Abgrall, A. Larat, M. Ricchiuto, Dante de Santis

Sample of Residual distribution code (Euler equations, perfect gas, 1D)

Personal page: Web

SIAM fellows 2022: link

Wikipedia (Chinesese):link

Wikipedia (Italian):link


"Essentially hyperbolic problems: unconventional numerics, and applications".
A conference on the occasion of Rémi Abgrall's 61st birthday.


Organisation of Workshops and Conferences:

Journal of Computational Physics Webinar

Pamir2024, Maxwell Center, Cambridge, UK
March 6 - 8, 2024
Organized by Wasilij Barsukow (Bordeaux), Christiane Helzel (Düsseldorf), Rémi Abgrall (Zürich)


  • Editor in chief of the Journal of Computational Physics (2015-)
  • Co-Editor in Chief of International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids (2011-2015)
  • Associate editor of the Journal of Computational Physics (2003-2015)
  • Associate editor of Computer and Fluids (2001-)
  • Editorial board of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis (M2AN,2002-2008)
  • Associate editor of the Journal of Scientific Computing
  • Associate editor of the International of Computing Science and Mathematics
  • Editorial board of Mathématiques et Applications (2008-)
  • Associate editor of Mathematics of Computation (2010-2017)
  • Editorial board of Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (2008-)
  • Associate editor of Communication in Computational Physics (2017-)
  • Associate editor of Communication on Applied Mathematics and Computation (2018-)
  • Associate editor of Mathematics and and Computers in Simulation (2018-)
  • Editorial board of Series in Applied and Numerical Mathematics, De Gruyer(2017-)
  • Editorial board of Science China Mathematics (2023-)


  • Numerical schemes for compressible flows : classical upwind schemes,Residual distribution schemes, stabilized finite element methods,monotonicity preserving schemes
  • Numerical schemes for multicomponent compressible flow problems
  • Compressible multiphase problems, phase transition
  • Non conservative hyperbolic problems
  • Discretisation of Hamilton Jacobi equations
  • Unstructured meshes, meshing issues
  • Aeroacoustics and geophysics
  • Model reduction for non linear hyperbolic problems

Lecture & Seminar

Zurich Colloquium in Applied and Computational Mathematics
Rémi Abgrall, Rima Alaifari, Habib Ammari, Ralf Hiptmair, Siddhartha Mishra, Stefan Sauter, Christoph Schwab
Zurich Colloquium in Mathematics
Rémi Abgrall, Joseph Ayoub, Afonso Bandeira, Mikaela Iacobelli, Alessandra Iozzi, Siddhartha Mishra, Rahul Pandharipande, Benjamin Schlein

Numerik I


R. Abgrall

PDF List of publications (09.2023)

R. Abgrall

PDF CV 2024


Dr. Chiara Boccato, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
18.12.17 - 18.12.17Abgrall, Rémi
Dr. Philipp Öffner, Universität Zürich (Zürich)
15.11.17 - 16.11.17Abgrall, Rémi
Prof. Dr. Afeintou Sangam, University of Nice (Nice)
15.10.17 - 05.11.17Abgrall, Rémi
Marco Petrella, Universita degli Studi di Trento (Trento)
04.09.17 - 07.09.17Abgrall, Rémi
Nicolas Cagniart, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris)
17.07.17 - 25.07.17Abgrall, Rémi
Prof. Dr. Raphaèl Loubère, Université de Bordeaux (Bordeaux)
03.06.17 - 06.06.17Abgrall, Rémi
Prof. Dr. Niels Patriz Benedikter, Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria) (Klosterneuburg)
29.05.17 - 31.05.17Abgrall, Rémi
Prof. Dr. Mikhail Shashkov, Los Alamos National Laboratory (Los Alamos)
Talk: Modern numerical methods for high-speed, compressible, multi-physics, multi-material flows
23.05.17 - 28.05.17Abgrall, Rémi
Prof. Dr. Smadar Karni, University of Michigan (East Hall)
08.05.17 - 12.05.17Abgrall, Rémi
Prof. Dr. Dmitri Kuzmin, Angewandte Mathematik und Numerik, Technische Universität Dortmund (Dortmund)
Talk: Flux-Corrected Transport Schemes for High-Order Bernstein Finite Elements
03.05.17 - 04.05.17Abgrall, Rémi
Prof. Dr. Stavros Avgerinos, University of Catania (Catania)
02.04.17 - 07.04.17Abgrall, Rémi
Nicolas Cagniart, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris)
24.02.17 - 03.03.17Abgrall, Rémi
Prof. Dr. Afeintou Sangam, University of Nice (Nice)
19.02.17 - 25.02.17Abgrall, Rémi
Prof. Dr. Jianxian Qiu, Xiamen University (Xiamen)
13.02.17 - 25.02.17Abgrall, Rémi