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Related Structures

In this section functions for creating other structures from a permutation Coxeter group are briefly listed. See the appropriate chapters of the Handbook for more details.

CoxeterGroup(GrpFP, W) : Cat, GrpPermCox -> GrpFPCox
Presentation(W) : GrpPermCox -> GrpFPCox
The finitely presented group isomorphic to the permutation Coxeter group W. See Chapter FINITELY PRESENTED GROUPS.
ReflectionGroup(W) : GrpPermCox -> GrpMat
CoxeterGroup(GrpMat, W) : Cat, GrpPermCox -> GrpFPCox
The reflection group isomorphic to the Coxeter group W. See Chapter REFLECTION GROUPS.
LieAlgebra(W, R) : GrpPermCox, Rng -> AlgLie
The reductive Lie algebraover the ring R with Weyl group W. If W is noncrystallographic, an error is flagged. See Section Almost Reductive Lie Algebras.
GroupOfLieType(W, R) : GrpPermCox, Rng -> GrpLie
The group of Lie typeover the ring R with Weyl group W. The roots and coroots of W must have integral components. See Chapter GROUPS OF LIE TYPE.
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