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Roger W. Carter.
Simple groups of Lie type.
John Wiley & Sons, London-New York-Sydney, 1972.
Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 28.

Roger W. Carter.
Finite groups of Lie type.
John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 1993.
Conjugacy classes and complex characters, Reprint of the 1985 original, A Wiley-Interscience Publication.

Arjeh M. Cohen, Sergei Haller, and Scott H. Murray.
Computing in unipotent and reductive algebraic groups.
LMS J. Comput. Math., 11:343--366, 2008.

Arjeh M. Cohen, Scott H. Murray, and D. E. Taylor.
Computing in groups of Lie type.
Math. Comp., 73(247):1477--1498, 2004.

Sergei Haller.
Computing Galois Cohomology and Forms of Linear Algebraic Groups.
Phd thesis, Technical University of Eindhoven, 2005.

Paolo Papi.
A characterization of a special ordering in a root system.
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 120(3):661--665, 1994.

Robert Steinberg.
Générateurs, relations et rev^etements de groupes algébriques.
In Colloq. Théorie des Groupes Algébriques (Bruxelles, 1962), pages 113--127. Librairie Universitaire, Louvain, 1962.

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