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Wall Forms

Given an isometry f of a quadratic or symplectic space V with bilinear form β, the Wall form of f is the form θdefined on the image I of 1 - f by θ(u, v) = β(w, v), where u = w(1 - f). In general, the Wall form is not reflexive.

WallForm(V, f) : ModTupFld, Mtrx -> ModTupFld, Map
The space of the Wall form of f and its embedding in V.
WallIsometry(V, I, mu) : ModTupFld, ModTupFld, Map -> Mtrx
The inverse of WallForm. This is an isometry corresponding to the embedding μ: I to V, where V is a quadratic or symplectic space.
WallDecomposition(V, f) : ModTupFld, Mtrx -> Mtrx, Mtrx
An isometry f of a quadratic or symplectic space V is Wall-regularif the restriction of 1 - f to the image of 1 - f is invertible. If f is any isometry of V this function returns a Wall-regular element fr and a unipotent element fu such that f = frfu = fu fr.
SemiOrthogonalBasis(V) : ModTupFld) -> SeqEnum
If V is a vector space with a bilinear form β, a basis e1, e2, ..., en for V is semi-orthogonal if β(ei, ej) = 0 for i < j. This function returns a semi-orthogonal basis with respect to the non-degenerate, non-alternating form attached to V. If the base field is GF(2), the form should be symmetric.
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Version: V2.19 of Wed Apr 24 15:09:57 EST 2013