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Cyclotomic Fields (like the Quadratic Fields) are a subtype of the Number Fields ( FldNum). They have some extra functionality which is described below and use some more efficient implementations. Orders of cyclotomic fields form the category RngCyc and the fields themselves FldCyc. Functions for cyclotomic fields and orders which work generally for number fields, their orders and elements are listed in Chapter NUMBER FIELDS.

There are two different representations of cyclotomic fields available:

The "dense" representation: the field is conceptually represented as Q(x)/f(x) where f is a cyclotomic polynomial, i.e., the minimal polynomial of a primitive root of unity.

The "sparse" representation: Let n=∏piri be the factorisation of n into prime powers and ni := piri. Then Q(ζn) = Q(ζn1, ..., ζnr) and the field is represented as Q(x1, ..., xr)/< fn1(x1), ..., fnr(xr) >.

As with the number fields, the non-simple representation, the issues are the same: the "sparse" representation allows for much larger fields -- as long as the elements used have only few coefficients. The "dense" representation on the other hand has the asymptotically-fastest arithmetic.
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Version: V2.19 of Wed Apr 24 15:09:57 EST 2013