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Predicates of Orders

Let O be a quaternion order with base ring Z, Fq[X] with q odd, or a number ring. Then Magma can test the following predicates.

IsMaximal(O) : AlgAssVOrd -> BoolElt
Returns true if and only if the order O is maximal.
IspMaximal(O, p) : AlgAssVOrd, RngOrdIdl -> BoolElt
IspMaximal(O, p) : AlgQuatOrd, RngElt -> BoolElt
Returns true if and only if the order O is maximal at the prime or prime ideal p.
IsEichler(O) : AlgAssVOrd -> BoolElt, AlgAssVOrd, AlgAssVOrd
    MaximalOrders: BoolElt              Default: false
Returns true if and only if the order O is Eichler, that is an intersection of two (not necessarily distinct) maximal orders. The function calls the EichlerInvariant intrinsic explained below.

If the optional argument MaximalOrders is set to true, the algorithm also returns two maximal orders such that O is their intersection.

IsEichler(O, p) : AlgAssVOrd , RngOrdIdl -> BoolElt, AlgAssVOrd, AlgAssVOrd
IsEichler(O, p) : AlgQuatOrd , RngElt -> BoolElt, AlgQuatOrd, AlgQuatOrd
    MaximalOrders: BoolElt              Default: false
Returns true if and only if the completion of the order O at the prime (ideal) p is Eichler.

If the optional argument MaximalOrders is set to true, the algorithm also returns two p-maximal orders such that O is their intersection.

EichlerInvariant(O, p) : AlgAssVOrd , RngOrdIdl -> RngIntElt
EichlerInvariant(O, p) : AlgQuatOrd , RngElt -> RngIntElt
Returns the local Eichler invariant of O at some prime (ideal) p which divides the discriminant of O. Let R be the base ring of O and let J be the Jacobson radical of the R/p-algebra O/pO. If J has dimension 3 then the Eichler invariant is defined to be 0. Otherwise the quotient of O/pO by J is either isomorphic to a direct sum of two copies of R/p or a quadratic field extension of R/p. In the first case the Eichler invariant is 1, in the latter it is -1.
IsHereditary(O) : AlgAssVOrd -> BoolElt
Returns true if and only if the order O is a hereditary order in a quaternion algebra A. That is, every lattice in A of full rank such that O is contained in its left order is a projective left O-module. The hereditary orders are precisely those with squarefree discriminant.
IsHereditary(O, p) : AlgAssVOrd , RngOrdIdl -> BoolElt
IsHereditary(O, p) : AlgQuatOrd , RngElt -> BoolElt
Returns true if and only if the completion of the order O at the prime (ideal) p is hereditary.
IsGorenstein(O) : AlgAssVOrd -> BoolElt
Returns true if and only if the order O is a Gorenstein order. That is, the dual of O with respect to the trace bilinear form is a projective O-module.
IsGorenstein(O, p) : AlgAssVOrd , RngOrdIdl -> BoolElt
IsGorenstein(O, p) : AlgQuatOrd , RngElt -> BoolElt
Returns true if and only if the completion of the order O at the prime (ideal) p is Gorenstein.
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Version: V2.19 of Wed Apr 24 15:09:57 EST 2013