Swiss Probability Seminar 2016

Organizers: Robert C. Dalang (EPF Lausanne), Ilya Molchanov (University of Bern),
Ashkan Nikeghbali (University of Zurich)

The Swiss Probability Seminar was founded in 1994. This fiftieth edition will be a special celebration for probability theory. It will take place on June 6 and 7, 2016, at the University of Zurich, Switzerland and will bring together a select group of distinguished invited speakers.

Nalini Anantharaman, Université de Strasbourg
Gérard Ben Arous, Courant Institute, NYU
Alexei Borodin, MIT
Ivan Corwin, Columbia University
Bertrand Duplantier, CEA, France
Hans Föllmer, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Alice Guionnet, ENS Lyon and MIT
Martin Hairer, University of Warwick
David Nualart, University of Kansas
Van Vu, Yale University

