Institut für Mathematik


Konferenz: Workshop on the occasion of Erwin Bolthausen's 70th birthday

Random walks on Markovian environments with spectral gap and on some glassy systems

Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Luca Avena
Datum: 16.09.16   Zeit: 14.20 - 15.10   Raum: Y16G05

We consider a Markov process obtained as a perturbation of a given stationary Markov process satisfying Poincare' inequality. By perturbative arguments, we derive the existence of a steady state for the perturbed Markov process, an expansion of the expected values of observables in the steady state and an invariance principle for additive functionals. We then apply these general results to random walks in Markovian evolving environments with special emphasis to models of tracer particles in glassy systems.

Joint work with O. Blondel (Lyon) and A. Faggionato (Rome).