Applied Algebra Group

Applied Algebra Group at the University of Zürich


Basel-Dublin-Zürich Workshop on "Crypto and Coding"


Organized by: E. Gorla, J. Rosenthal

Everyone is invited to attend. No registration required.

Monday, 12.03.12
Time SpeakerTitlePlace
09:30-10:10Jens Zumbrägel
(Universität Passau)
Simple Semirings - an Overview and New ResultsY27H35/36
10:15-10:55Andreas Kendziorra
(University College Dublin)
Finite Simple SemiringsY27H35/36
11:30-12:10Oliver Gnilke
(University College Dublin)
Semigroup Actions in Two-Party Key Agreement ProtocolsY27H35/36
12:15-12:55Maike Massierer
Trace Zero Varieties in CryptographyY27H35/36
14:30-15:10Davide Schipani
(Universität Zürich)
Efficient Decoding of Cyclic Codes and Applications in CryptographyY27H35/36
15:15-15:55Kyle Marshall
(Universität Zürich)
New Alternant CodesY27H35/36
16:15-16:55Anna-Lena Horlemann
Automorphisms and Isometries of Constant Dimension CodesY27H35/36
17:00-17:40Felix Fontein
(Universität Zürich)
On the Probability of Finding a Generating Set of a LatticeY27H35/36

Preliminary List of Participants

  • Felix Fontein, Zürich, Switzerland
  • Oliver Gnilke, Dublin, Ireland
  • Elisa Gorla, Basel, Switzerland
  • Andreas Kendziorra, Dublin, Ireland
  • Kyle Marshall, Zurich, Switzerland
  • Maike Massierer, Basel, Switzerland
  • Joachim Rosenthal, Zürich, Switzerland
  • Davide Schipani, Zürich, Switzerland
  • Anna-Lena Trautmann, Zürich, Switzerland
  • Urs Wagner, Zürich, Switzerland
  • Jens Zumbrägel, Dublin, Ireland