Applied Algebra Group

Applied Algebra Group at the University of Zürich


FS 24

Seminars and e-Seminars

Neuchatel - St.Gallen - Zurich Seminar in Coding Theory and Cryptography

Organized by: Prof. Dr. Elisa Gorla, Prof. Dr. Anna-Lena Horlemann, Prof. Dr. Joachim Rosenthal

Date and Time:Wednesday, 15.15 - 17.00
Location:University of Zurich, Mathematics Institute, Room: Y27H25
How to get there

The Zoom meeting can be joined here.

28.02.24The DNA Storage Channel: From Theory to Practice

Zeit: 15.15-16.00 Raum: Y27H25
Daniella Bar-Lev
Technion (Haifa)
28.02.24Security of Algebraic Geometry Codes in Code-Based Cryptography

Zeit: 16.15-17.00 Raum: Y27H25
Vivien Caroline Bammert
06.03.24Coding for Data Storage Systems

Zeit: 15.15-16.00 Raum: Y27H25
Khu Vu Van
National University of Singapore (Singapore)
13.03.24Construction of Linear Codes using Latin squares

Zeit: 15.15-16.00 Raum: Y27H25
Mario Jung
24.04.24Analysis and Decoding of Linear Lee-Metric Codes with Application to Code-Based Cryptography

Zeit: 15.15-16.15
Jessica Bariffi
Universität Zürich (Zürich)
15.05.24Fundamental Challenges and Opportunities for the ICT-Industry

Zeit: 16.15-17.15 Raum: Uni SG 58-022
Stephan Schnez

Workshops and Conferences

Algebraic Coding Theory Summer School 2022

Date: Monday, July 4, 2022 - Friday, July 8, 2022
Location: University of Zurich, Mathematics Institute

Coding Theory and Cryptography

A conference in honor of Joachim Rosenthal's 60th birthday

Date: Monday, July 11, 2022 - Friday, July 15, 2022
Location: University of Zurich, Mathematics Institute
