Angewandte Wahrscheinlichkeit und Statistik

Elective Modules

What are examples of elective modules from other study programs?

A detailed list of possible or not possible modules can be found here.

I cannot find an elective module in the Course Catalogue

No all electives are offered every year. Best practice is to search the module in the Course Catalogue in previous semesters. Once you have found the module, try to project the semester it will be offered again based on the rubric "Offered in:".
There is also the possiblity that a module has changed its title or course number. In such cases, please inform us to update the webpage. 

Can I book programming modules AINF02 Informatik or MAT101 Programming?


I would like to take a module as an elective which is not listed. Is this possible?

In case the module is not listed as a possible or not possible module, you may send a request to aws(at) with the link to the course catalogue. Note that the description in the course catalogue may not always be sufficient and you are asked to provide information on the content from the module from previous years.

Can I book the module STA390 Statistical Practice although I have not finished my 30 ECTS minor?

The support for the module STA390 Statistical Practice is quite time consuming. Therefore, we have to impose some enrollment restrictions. Priority is given to students enrolled in the 60 ECTS minor. It is possible to ask if there are slots on the waiting list. An ultimate decision of a slot may not be granted before the lecture starts.