Diploma-/Master Thesis

  • Sibylle Mirjam Schalbetter, 2024
    The composite Nédélec element: a two-scale approach for Maxwell's equations on complicated domains
  • Renzo Zanoli, 2023
    Geometric effects in elliptic eigenvalue problems
  • Melanie Bortone, 2023
    Guaranteed eigenvalue bound by Crouzeix-Raviart functions in 3D
  • Carina Capol, 2023
    Crouzeix-Raviart Elements for Eigenvalue Problems - PDF
  • Nis-Erik Bohne, 2023
    Conforming and non-conforming Finite Element Methods for two-dimensional Stokes flow - PDF
  • Corina Spreiter, 2022
    Adaptive finite element method for eigenvalue problems - PDF
  • Severina Haas, 2022
    Finite element method for nonlinear eigenvalue problems and its solution by multivariate Newton steps - PDF
  • Carmen Christen, 2021
    Schnelle numerische Methoden zur Approximation einer Lösung der Helmholtz-Gleichung - PDF
  • Lukas Burch, 2020
    A Local Bidual Basis for High Order Crouzeix-Raviart Finite Elements in 2D - PDF
  • Andreas Bunschoten, 2018
    Minimisation of the Condition Number for high order Crouzeix-Raviart Finite Elements
  • Laura Daniela Désirée Heimgartner, 2018
    The efficient solution of Abel-type integral equations by hierarchical matrix techniques
  • Markus Neumann, 2017
    Hierarchical Matrices - An Implementation in Python - PDF
  • Anja Frei, 2017
    A fractional integration by parts formula with an application to convolution integrals
  • Rebekka Klara Gasser, 2016
    The finite element method for elliptic problems with defective eigenvalues
  • Roman Weinhandl, 2016
    Discretising a High Dimensional Partial Differential Equation Using Tensors - PDF
  • Urs Vögeli, 2016
    Galerkin and Collocation Methods for Abel's Integral Equation - PDF
  • Martino Antognini, 2014
    Sensitivity analysis for boundary element quadrature
  • Susanne Hammer, 2014
    Residual-based a posteriori error estimators for two-dimensional adaptive finite element methods for the poisson equation - PDF
  • Marco Schmid, 2013
    Analysis of Tensor Gaussian Quadrature of Function of Class C∞ - PDF
  • Francesco Züger, 2013
    Solution of Non-Homogenous Dirichlet Problems with FEM - PDF
  • Reto Schnyder, 2013
    Time and Space Adaptive Solution to Retarded Potential Integral Equations - PDF
  • Noam Arnold, 2013
    Numerische Lösungen elliptischer und parabolischer Differentialgleichungen in zwei und drei Dimensionen mit NETGEN/NGSolve
  • Monika Weymuth, 2013
    Fully Discrete Version of the AL Basis for Elliptic Problems with General L∞ Coefficient
  • Martin Huber, 2011
    Numerical solution of the wave equation in unbounded domains
  • Nicolas Blöchliger, 2011
    Finite Element Analysis of a Non-linear Helmholtz Equation
  • Asako Frey, 2009
    Stabilized Single Layer Potential for the Numerical Solution of the Helmholtz Problem