Institute of Mathematics


Symposium about Mathematics


Monday, 20.02.12
Time SpeakerTitlePlace
09:30-10:15Alena Pirutka
(Universität Zürich)
On some aspects of unramified cohomologyY27H28
11:00-11:45Anke Pohl
(University of Bremen)
A dynamical approach to Maass cusp forms and the Selberg zeta functionY27H28
13:30-14:15Antti Knowles
(Section of Mathematics, University of Geneva)
Spectral statistics of large random matricesY27H28
15:00-15:45Alex Bartel
(Postech University, Pohang)
Units as Galois modules and Brauer relationsY27H28
Tuesday, 21.02.12
Time SpeakerTitlePlace
09:30-10:15Paolo Rossi
(Universität Zürich)
Higher structures from Symplectic Field TheoryY27H28
11:00-11:45Constanze Roitzheim
(University of Glasgow)
Model categories- the joy of abstract nonsenseY27H28
13:30-14:15Benjamin Cooper
(Universität Zürich)
Applications of Higher Algebra to TopologyY27H28