Institute of Mathematics


Quantitative approach to Mirror Symmerty: weak Landau--Ginzburg models


Organized by: M. Kapustka

Monday, 11.04.11
Time SpeakerTitlePlace
13:15-14:45Victor Przyjalkowski
(Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Moscow)
Quantitative approach to Mirror Symmerty: weak Landau--Ginzburg models IY27H25
Thursday, 14.04.11
Time SpeakerTitlePlace
13:15-14:45Victor Przyjalkowski
(Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Moscow)
Quantitative approach to Mirror Symmerty: weak Landau--Ginzburg models IIY27H25
Friday, 15.04.11
Time SpeakerTitlePlace
10:15-11:45Victor Przyjalkowski
(Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Moscow)
Quantitative approach to Mirror Symmerty: weak Landau--Ginzburg models IIIY27H25