Workshop on Coalescents in Biology


Leif Döring
Monday, 01.07.13
Time Speaker TitlePlace
11:00-12:00Erich Baur
(Berner Fachhochschule, Technik und Informatik)
An introduction to coalescent processesY27H12
12:00-13:00lunch break
13:00-14:00Bjarki Eldon
(Institut für Mathematik, TU Berlin)
Multiple merger coalescent processes and inferenceY27H12
14:00-15:00Aurélien Tellier
(WZW, Technische Universität München)
Plant ecology influences population genetics: the role of seed banks in structuring genetic diversityY27H12
15:00-15:30coffee break
15:30-16:30Amaury Lambert
(ENS Paris)
Coalescent point processes and phylogeniesY27H12
16:30-17:30Tanja Stadler
(ETH Zürich)
The coalescent in epidemiology: a success story and its limitationsY27H12