Prof. Dr. Erwin Bolthausen

Institut für Mathematik
Universität Zürich
Winterthurerstrasse 190
CH-8057 Zürich

Fax: +41 44 635 57 06
Office: Y27J10
Field of Research:
Franziska Robmann

+41 44 635 58 31


Publications since 1993Publications to download: Front end for the Mathematics ArXiv

E. Bolthausen, F.X. , A. Cipriani, N. Kurt
Exponential decay of covariances for the supercritical membrane model

M. van den Berg, E. Bolthausen, F. den Hollander
Torsional rigidity for regions with a Brownian boundary

E. Bolthausen, A. Cipriani, N. Kurt
Fast decay of covariances under δ−pinning in the critical and supercritical membrane model

E. Bolthausen, R. van der Hofstad, G. Kozma
Lace expansion for dummies

E. Bolthausen, W. König, Ch. Mukherjee
Mean-Field interacton of Brownian occupation measures. II: A rigorous construction of the Pekar process

E. Bolthausen, T. Chiyonobu, T. Funaki
Scaling limits for weakly pinned Gaussian random fields under the presence of two possible candidates

E. Baur, E. Bolthausen
Exit laws from large balls of (an)isotropic random walks in random environment

L. Avena, E. Bolthausen, Ch. Ritzmann
A local CLT for convolution equations with an application to weakly self-avoiding random

E. Bolthausen
An iterative construction of solutions of the TAP equations for the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model
January 2012   

E. Bolthausen, F. den Hollander, A. Opoku
A copolymer near a selective interface: variational characterization of the free energy
October 2011   

E. Bolthausen, N. Kistler
A quenched large deviation principle and a Parisi formula for a Perceptron version of the GREM
November 2010   

E. Bolthausen
Bernoullis Gesetz der Grossen Zahlen
Elem. Math. 65, 134 - 143(2010)

E. Bolthausen, J.D. Deuschel, O. Zeitouni
Recursions and tightness for the maximum of the discrete, two dimensional Gaussian Free Field
June 2010   

E. Bolthausen, N. Kistler
On a non-hierarchical generalization of the Generalized Random Energy Model, part II: The Gibbs distribution and ultrametricity
Stoch. Proc. and Appl. 119, 7, 2357 - 2386(2009)   

E. Bolthausen, F. Caravenna, B. de Tilière
The quenched critical point of a diluted disordered polymer model
Stoch. Proc. and Appl. 119, 5, 1479 - 1504(2009)   

E. Bolthausen, N. Kistler
On a nonhierarchical version of the Generalized Random Energy Model. II. Ultrametricity.

E. Bolthausen, N. Kistler
Universal structures in some mean field spin glasses, and an application
J. Math. Phys. 49(12), 125205-125205-17(2008)   

E. Bolthausen, T. Funaki, T. Otobe
Concentration under scaling limits for weakly pinned Gaussian random walks
Prob. Theory Rel. Fields 143(3-4), 441 - 480(2009)   

E. Bolthausen, I. Goldsheid
Lingering random walks in random environment on a strip
Comm. Math. Phys. 278, 253 - 288(2008)   

E. Bolthausen
Spin Glasses
Springer LNM 1900, 2007 (edited with A. Bovier)   

E. Bolthausen, O. Zeitouni
Multiscale analysis of exit distributions for random walks in random environments
Prob. Theory Rel. Fields 138, 581 - 645 (2007) PDF  

E. Bolthausen
On the proof of the Parisi formula by Guerra and Talagrand
Astérisque 307 (2006)   

E. Bolthausen, F. Comets, A. Dembo
Large deviations for random matrices and random graphs

E. Bolthausen, N. Kistler
On a non-hierarchical version of the Generalized Random Energy Model
Annals of Appl. Prob. 16, 1 - 14 (2006) PDF  

E. Bolthausen, G. Giacomin
Periodic copolymers at selected interfaces: Free energy and critical line
Annals of Applied Probability 15, 963 - 983 (2005)   

E. Bolthausen, F. den Hollander, M. van den Berg
Brownian survival among Poissonian traps with random shapes at critical intensity
Prob. Theory and Rel. Fields 132, 163 - 202 (2005) PDF  

E. Bolthausen, F. den Hollander, M. van den Berg
On the volume of the intersection of two Wiener sausages
Annals of Mathematics 159, 741-782 (2004)   

E. Bolthausen, A. Sznitman, O. Zeitouni
Cut points and diffusive random walks in random environment
Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré PR 93, 527-555 (2003)   

E. Bolthausen, A. Sznitman
Ten Lectures on Random Media
Lecture Notes for the DMV-Seminar on Random Media, Oberwolfach 1999, Birkhäuser Verlag, 2002   

E. Bolthausen, M. van den Berg
Area versus capacity and solidification in the crushed ice model
Prob. Theory Rel. Fields 130, 69 - 108 (2004)   

E. Bolthausen, Ch. Ritzmann
Strong pointwise estimates for weakly self-avoiding random walks
To appear in Ann. Prob.   

E. Bolthausen, A. Sznitman
On the static and dynamic points of views for certain random walks in random environment
Methods and Applications of Analysis, 9, 345-376 (2002), dedicated to 60th birthday of D.W. Stroock and SRS Varadhan PDF  

E. Bolthausen
Localization-delocalization phenomena for random interfaces
Proceedings of the ICM, Beijing 2002, vol. 3, 25-40 PDF  

S. Albeverio, E. Bolthausen, Z. Zhou
On the discrete Edwards model in three dimensions
In "Collected Papers of Zhou Xianyin", Beijing Normal University Modern Mathematical Series 10, 1031-1059 (2002) PDF  

E. Bolthausen
Localization-delocalization effects for random interfaces
Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Vol. III, 25-40. Higher Education Press, Beijing 2002   

E. Bolthausen
Large deviations and interacting random walks
Ecole d'Eté St. Flour 1999, Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematiques 1741, 2002   

E. Bolthausen, Y. Velenik
Critical behavior of the 2d massless free field at the depinning transition
Comm. Math. Phys. 223, 161-203, (2001). (Copyright with Springer) PDF  

E. Bolthausen, K. Münch-Berndl
Quantitative estimates for discrete harmonic measures
Israel J. Math. 124, 125-141 (2001)   

E. Bolthausen, D. Brydges
Localization and decay of correlations for a pinned lattice free field in dimension two
IMS Lecture Notes Series 36, 134-149, IMS, Beachwood, OH, 2001   

E. Bolthausen, F. den Hollander, M. van den Berg
Moderate deviations for the Wiener sausage
Annals of Mathematics 153, 355-406 (2001)   

E. Bolthausen, J.D. Deuschel, G. Giacomin
Entropic repulsion for the lattice free field: The two dimensional case
Annals of Probability 29, 1670-1692 (2001)   

E. Bolthausen, I. Goldsheid
Random walks in random environments on a strip
Comm. Math. Phys. 214, 429-447 (2000)   

E. Bolthausen
Random walk representations and entropic repulsion for gradient models
In "Infinite Dimensional Analysis", Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, 55-84, Amsterdam 2000   

E. Bolthausen, J.D. Deuschel, O. Zeitouni
Absence of a wetting transition for a pinned harmonic crystal in dimension three and larger
J. of Math. Phys. 41, 1211-1223 (2000)   

E. Bolthausen, M. van den Berg
Estimates for Dirichlet eigenfunctions
J. London Math. Soc. 59, 607-619 (1999)   

E. Bolthausen, A. Sznitman
On Ruelle's probability cascades and an abstract cavity method
Comm. Math. Phys. 197, 247-276 (1998)   

E. Bolthausen
Large deviations and perturbations of random walks and random surfaces
European Congress of Mathematics 1996, A. Balog et al eds., Birkhäuser 1998, 108-120   

E. Bolthausen, D. Ioffe
The harmonic crystal on the wall: A microscopic approach
Comm. Math. Phys., 187, 523-566, (1997)   

E. Bolthausen, F. den Hollander
Localization transition for a polymer near an interface
Ann. Prob., 25, 1334-1366, (1997)   

E. Bolthausen, M. van den Berg
On the expected volume of the Wiener sausage for the Brownian bridge
Mathematische Zeitschrift 224, 33-48 (1997)   

E. Bolthausen, U. Schmock
Self-attracting d-dimensional random walks
Ann. Prob. 25, 531-572 (1997)   

E. Bolthausen, J.D. Deuschel, O. Zeitouni
On entropy repulsion for the lattice free field
Comm. Math. Physics 170, 417-444 (1995)   

E. Bolthausen, J.D. Deuschel, Y. Tamura
Laplace approximations for large deviations of nonreversible Markov processes
Ann. Prob. 23, 236-267 (1995)   

E. Bolthausen, U. Schmock
On self-attracting random walks
Proceedings of the AMS-Summer School on Stochastic Analysis, Cornell 1993, eds.: M. Cranston and M. Pinsky   

E. Bolthausen, M. van den Berg
Asymptotics of the generating function for the volume of the Wiener sausage
Probability Theory and Related Fields 99, 389-397 (1994)   

E. Bolthausen
Localization of a two dimensional random variable with a self-attracting path interaction
Ann. of Prob. 22, 875-918 (1994)   

E. Bolthausen, F. den Hollander
Survival asymptotics for Brownian motion in a Poisson field of decaying traps
Ann. Prob. 22, 160-176 (1994)   

E. Bolthausen, J.D. Deuschel
Critical large deviations for an interacting Gaussian field
Ann. of Prob. 21, 1876-1920 (1994)   

E. Bolthausen, J.D. Deuschel, U. Schmock
Convergence of path measures for models with polaron and mean-field type interactions
Prob. Theory and Rel. Fields 95, 283-310 (1993)   

E. Bolthausen
On the construction of the three dimensional polymer measure
Probability Theory and Rel. Fields 98, 81-101 (1993)   

E. Bolthausen, F. Götze
Rates of convergence in multivariate sampling statistics
Ann. of Stat. 21, 1692-1710 (1993)