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Complete list of publications

Selected publications:

S. I. Repin, S. Sauter, A. Smolianski
Two-Sided A Posteriori Error Estimates for Mixed Formulations of Elliptic Problems
SIAM J. Num. Anal., Vol 45(3), pp. 928 - 945 (2007) link, PDF  

A. Smolianski
Finite-Element/Level-Set/Operator-Splitting (FELSOS)
Approach for Computing Two-Fluid Unsteady Flows with Free Moving Interfaces

Preprint Nr. 03-2004 (2004) PDF  

S. I. Repin, S. Sauter, A. Smolianski
A Posteriori Estimation of Dimension Reduction Errors for Elliptic Problems on Thin Domains
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., Vol 42(4), pp. 1435 - 1451 (2004) link, PDF  

M. Rech, S. Sauter, A. Smolianski
Two-Scale Composite Finite Element Method for the Dirichlet Problem on Complicated Domains
Numer. Math., Vol 102(4), pp. 681 - 708 (2006) link, PDF   fileadmin/math/preprints/17-03rev.pdf

S. I. Repin, S. Sauter, A. Smolianski
A Posteriori Error Estimation for the Poisson Equation with Mixed Dirichlet/Neumann Boundary Conditions
JCAM, Vol 164 - 165, 601 - 612 (2004) link, PDF  

S. I. Repin, S. Sauter, A. Smolianski
A Posteriori Error Estimation for the Dirichlet Problem with Account of the Error in the Approximation of Boundary Conditions
Computing, Vol 70(3), pp. 205 - 233 (2003) link, PDF