Institute of Mathematics


Modul:   MAT789  Quantum Topology Seminar

Borromean surgeries

Talk by Dr. Eva Gabriela Contreras

Date: 22.03.11  Time: 15.00 - 17.00  Room: Y27H28

The notion of Borromean surgery was first introduced by S.V. Matveev in 1986, as an example of what he called a generalized V-surgery. Since then, it has become the elementary move of Goussarov-Habiro's FTI theory. In his paper "Generalized surgeries of three-dimensional manifolds and representations of homology spheres", Matveev showed that the equivalence relation generated by this move among closed 3-manifolds is completely determined by the pair (first Betti number, isomorphism class of the torsion linking form). In this talk, we will explain the main idea of his proof and provide a couple of interesting examples.