Modul:   MAT789  Quantum Topology Seminar

Refined Kirby calculus for integral homology spheres

Talk by Dr. Tamara Tajara Widmer

Date: 12.04.11  Time: 15.00 - 17.00  Room: Y27H28

It is well known that any orientable 3-manifold can be obtained by surgery along a framed link in the 3-sphere. In 1978 R. Kirby proved that two framed links give homeomorphic manifolds if and only if they are related by a sequence of stabilization and handle-slide moves. A refined version of Kirby's theorem has been found for integral homology spheres in 2006 by K. Habiro. The aim of this talk is to explain Habiro's refined Kirby calculus and give a sketch of his proof. Reference: K. Habiro; Refined Kirby calculus for integral homology spheres, Geom. Topol. 10 (2006), 1285–1317. paper