Institut für Mathematik

Konferenz Detail

11th Zurich Summer School 2021

23.8 - 27.8 2021

Organisiert von: R. Abgrall, H. Ammari, R. Hiptmair, S. Mishra, S. Sauter, C. Schwab

Asymptotic Methods in Physical and Numerical Modelling

23. - 27. August 2021

Plenary Lecturers

  • Lucas Chesnel (École Polytechnique, France)
  • Xavier Claeys (Univ. Paris 6, France)
  • Markus Melenk (TU Wien, Austria)
  • Sergey Repin (Steklov Institute, Russia)
  • Valery Smyshlyaev (Univ. College London, UK)
  • Hai Zhang (HKUST, Hong Kong)


  • Geometric optics
  • Small obstacle asymptotics
  • Numerical methods for singularly perturbed problems
  • Asymptotic analysis in nanophysics
  • A posteriori estimation of modelling errors


We are confident that the event can take place in Zürich, as most restrictions due to the pandemic should have been lifted by August. In case it turns out that it is not possible to hold the Summer School you will be informed as soon as possible.