Institut für Mathematik

Konferenz Detail

Symposium on Commutative Algebra - in Honour of Professor Markus Brodmann


Organisiert von:  Institute of Mathematics

Monday, 26.04.10
Zeit Referent VortragstitelRaum
10:45-11:00Stefan Sauter
(Universität Zürich)
Opening address by Professor Stefan Sauter, Director of the InstituteY27H25
11:00-12:00Ngo Viet Trung
(University of Hanoi)
Cohen–Macaulayness of powers of Stanley–Reisner idealsY27H25
13:30-14:30Peter Schenzel
(Martin Luther-Universität)
On «extremal varieties» and the visualization of real algebraic surfacesY27H25
14:45-15:45Euisung Park
(Korea University at Seoul)
On algebraic characterization of low degree varietiesY27H25
15:45-16:15Coffee break
16:15-17:15Rodney Y. Sharp
(University of Sheffield)
Some local cohomological reminiscencesY27H25