Institut für Mathematik


Workshop on Stochastic Processes

in honour of Erwin Bolthausen's 70th birthday


Poster (PDF)

Talks and abstracts (PDF)

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Program of the Workshop

Thursday, 15.09.16
Zeit Referent VortragstitelRaum
opening and forewordY16G05
09:00-09:50Alain-Sol Sznitman
On disconnection and level-setsY16G05
09:50-10:40Barbara Gentz
Synchronization in coupled stochastic systems Y16G05
Coffee break
11:00-11:50Wolfgang König
The mean-field Polaron modelY16G05
Lunch break
13:30-14:20Dmitry Ioffe
Self-repulsive walks at critical drifts and wetting transition for DGFFY16G05
14:20-15:10Michiel van den Berg
On Pólya’s inequality for torsional rigidity and first Dirichlet eigenvalueY16G05
Coffee break
15:30-16:20Giambattista Giacomin
Lattice Gaussian free fields and disordered pinning potentialsY16G05
16:20-17:10Fabio Toninelli
A class of (2+1)-dimensional growth process with explicit stationary measureY16G05
Friday, 16.09.16
Zeit Referent VortragstitelRaum
09:00-09:50Ofer Zeitouni
Extremal processes and temperature chaos for spherical p-spin modelsY16G05
09:50-10:40Rajat Subhra Hazra
Some properties of the membrane modelY16G05
Coffee break
11:00-11:50Tadahisa Funaki
A coupled KPZ equationY16G05
Lunch break
13:30-14:20Jean-Dominique Deuschel
Quenched invariance principle for random walk in time-dependent non-elliptic balanced random environmentY16G05
14:20-15:10Luca Avena
Random walks on Markovian environments with spectral gap and on some glassy systemsY16G05
Coffee break
15:30-16:20Frank den Hollander
Torsional rigidity of Brownian motion on the torusY16G05
16:20-17:10Erich Baur
Scaling limits of uniform quadrangulations with a boundaryY16G05