Institut für Mathematik


Konferenz: Kazuo Habiro: Special Talk

Quantum fundamental groups and quantum representation varieties for 3-manifolds

Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Kazuo Habiro
Datum: 03.02.11   Zeit: 14.00 - 00.00   Raum: Y27H25

Abstract: We define a refinement of the fundamental group of a 3-manifold M, which we call the quantum fundamental group (QFG) of M. Using the QFG, we define the "quantum representation variety" (QRV) Rep(M,H) of M associated to each co-ribbon Hopf algebra H. If H is a quantized function algebra, which is a q-deformation of the algebra of regular function on some algebraic group G (such as SL(N,C)), then Rep(M,H) is a q-deformation of the algebra of regular functions on the (classical) representation variety Rep(pi_1(M), G).