Here you can find frequently asked questions related to eggCounts. We will update this page as soon as relevant questions are reported. If these solutions does not work for you or if you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us.

Modelling Problems

- I received the following warning message after using the fecr_stan() function:

There were 730 divergent transitions after warmup, the joint posterior distribution is not sufficiently explored. Re-run the model with adaptDelta > 0.95 may help, or results can be unreliable.

This indicates the default priors are not compatible with your data, we recommend checking if there is a mean reduction in the counts after treatment. If the counts increase on average, change the default prior for the reduction parameter from Beta(1,1) to a uniform prior covering the possible increasing factor, e.g. fecr_stan(..., deltaPrior = list(priorDist = "uniform",hyperpars=c(0,3)). If the amount of increase is large (greater than 3 fold), a weakly informative normal prior with large variance will help stablize the model,