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Selected Original Research Articles, Conference and Shiny-App

  1. Onorini D, Leonard CA, Phillips Campbell R, Prähauser B, Pesch T, Schoborg RV, Jerse AE, Tarigan B, Borel N. Neisseria gonorrhoeae Coinfection during Chlamydia muridarum Genital Latency Does Not Modulate Murine Vaginal Bacterial Shedding. Microbiol Spectr. 2023 Jun 15;11(3):e0450022. Epub 2023 Apr 11. PMID: 37039695; PMCID: PMC10269798.
  2. Andreas Christ, Adrian Aeschbacher, Fereshteh Rouholahnejad, Theodoros Samaras, Bernadetta Tarigan, Niels Kuster. (2021) Reflection Properties of the Human Skin From 40 to 110 GHz: A Confirmation Study. Bioelectromagnetics, 42: 562-574.
  3. Cherneva, K., Furrer, R. and Tarigan, B.: SampleSizeR: calculate sample sizes within completely randomized design. Available online at
  4. Marta Caprio, Bernadetta Tarigan, C. Bruce Worden, Stefan Wiemer, David J. Wald (2015) Ground Motion to Intensity Conversion Equations (GMICEs): A Global Relationship and Evaluation of Regional Dependency. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America ; 105 (3): 1476–1490.
  5. Deng H., Tarigan B., Grigore M., Sutanto J. (2015) Understanding the ‘Quality Motion’ of Wikipedia Articles Through Semantic Convergence Analysis. Proceeding HCI in Business (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), Springer 9191, 64--75.
  6. McAssey MP, Bijma F, Tarigan B, van Pelt J, van Ooyen A, de Gunst M (2014) A Morpho-Density Approach to Estimating Neural Connectivity. PLoS ONE 9(1): e86526. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0086526.
  7. van Ooyen A, Carnell A, de Ridder S, Tarigan B, Mansvelder HD, Bijma F, et al. (2014) Independently Outgrowing Neurons and Geometry-Based Synapse Formation Produce Networks with Realistic Synaptic Connectivity. PLoS ONE 9(1): e85858. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0085858.
  8. Grigore M., Tarigan B., Sutanto J., Dellarocas C. (2014) Understanding the “Few that Matter” in Online Social Production Communities: The Case of Wikipedia. Collective Intelligence Conference, MIT, Boston.
  9. B. Tarigan and S. van de Geer (2008) A moment bound for multicategory support vector machines. Journal Machine Learning Research 9, 2171-2185.
  10. Bernadetta Tarigan (2008) Fast rates of convergence for adaptive classifiers. Ph.D. Dissertation ETH Zurich.
  11. Bernadetta Tarigan and S. van De Geer (2006) Classifiers of support vector machine type with l-1 complexity regularization. Bernoulli 12, no. 6, 1045-1076.