Workshop on Random Matrices - April 2010

Practical information

The conference will take place at:

Institut für Mathematik

Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät

Universität Zürich, Winterthurerstrasse 190, CH-8057 Zürich.

Directions from Zürich Airport (approximately 40 minutes)

A taxi from the airport to the institute costs about 30CHF.

By Tram:

Walk to the Airport Station and take Tram 10 in  direction  Zürich HB.

Get off at the Universität Irchel station. Walk to the Mathematics Institute (see map).

The tram stop is indicated Irchel at the bottom. The Mathematics building is number 27.

Directions from Zürich Hauptbahnhof (approximately 25 minutes)

Walk to the Tram stop Bahnhofplatz right outside of the Zürich Hauptbanhof.

Take Tram 10 in direction Bahnhof Oerlikon and get off at the Universität Irchel station. Walk to the Mathematics Institute (see the map).