Institute of Mathematics

Conference / Details

Rigidity phenomena in dynamics and spectral theory

9.9 - 13.9.2024

Organized by: M. Cekić, C. Ulcigrai

SEPTEMBER 9 – 13, 2024

Location: UZH Irchel

eigenfunction plot by Alex Strohmaier

surface plot by Yann Chaubet

Mini Courses

  • Marked Length Spectrum (Thibault Lefeuvre, Sorbonnee)
  • Fractal Uncertainty Principle and Applications (Stéphane Nonnenmacher, Paris-Saclay)
  • Poincaré Series and Counting Problems (Gabriel Rivière, Nantes)
  • Convex Billiards (Alfonso Sorrentino, Rome Tor Vergata)

Research Talks

  • Karen Butt (Chicago)
  • Yann Chaubet (Nantes)
  • Selim Ghazouani (UCL)
  • Malo Jézéquel (Brest)
  • Illya Koval (IST Austria)
  • Gaétan Leclerc (Sorbonne)
  • Martin Leguil (École polytechnique)
  • Chandrika Sadanand (Bowdoin)
  • Julia Slipantchuk* (Warwick)
  • Daniel Tsodikovich (Tel Aviv)
  • Kurt Vinhage (Utah)

cardioid plot by Arnd Bäcker

elliptic billiards plot by Alfonso Sorrentino