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The tableaux module in Magma is loosely based on the computational algebra system SYMMETRICA developed by Adalbert Kerber and Axel Kohnert [KKL92]. The main reference for the theory of this section is "Young Tableaux" by William Fulton [Ful97].

A Young diagram, or Ferrers diagram, is a collection of boxes, or cells, arranged in left--justified rows, with a weakly decreasing number of cells in each row. Listing the number of cells in each row gives a partition (its shape) of n, where n is the total number of cells in the diagram. Conversely, each partition corresponds to a unique Young diagram. A numbering of a Young diagram is an assignment of a positive integer to each box. More generally a numbering can be done using any ordered set of labels, in Magma this means the generators of some ordered monoid, (see section Words).

A Young tableau, or simply tableau, is a numbering of a Young diagram which has (i) weakly increasing entries across each row, and (ii) strictly increasing entries down each column. These tableaux form a monoid with respect to a multiplication which may be defined in either of two ways, Schensted's "bumping" row insertion, or Schützenberger's "sliding" jeu de taquin, (see [Ful97] for full details).

A tableau monoid is constructed from an ordered monoid (see section Words), the generators of the ordered monoid comprising the tableau labels. A tableau monoid and a plactic monoid derived from the same ordered monoid are in fact isomorphic to one another.

Flipping a diagram over its main diagonal gives the conjugate diagram, its shape being the ConjugatePartition of the original shape.

A skew diagram or skew shape is the diagram obtained by deleting a smaller Young diagram from inside a larger one. A skew tableau is a numbering on a skew diagram obeying the same restrictions on its entries.


Tableau Monoids

Let O be an ordered monoid, elements of O are expressed as products of its generators. The generators of O can be used as the set of labels for a family of tableaux M, called a tableau monoid.

A tableau monoid has only one defining characteristic, the ordered monoid which specifies its labels.

The most important tableau monoid is the one defined over the set of all positive integers.

TableauMonoid(O) : MonOrd -> MonTbl
TableauMonoid(P) : MonPlc -> MonTbl
Given an ordered monoid O or a plactic monoid P, (in which case let O be the ordered monoid on which P is based), then return the tableau monoid of tableaux whose labels are the generators of O.
TableauIntegerMonoid() : -> MonTbl
Return the tableau monoid over the positive integers.
OrderedMonoid(M) : MonPlc -> MonOrd;
Given a tableau monoid M, return the ordered monoid from which M gets its labels.

Example Tableau_TabMonoid-standard (H145E8)

We create the tableau monoid over the positive integers. We take a word in the associated ordered monoid and look at its image in the tableau monoid.

> M := TableauIntegerMonoid();
> M;
Monoid of Tableaux labelled by the generators of:
The monoid of words over the positive integers
> w := OrderedMonoid(M) ! [3,6,2,8,3,9,1];
> w;
3 6 2 8 3 9 1 
> M ! w;
Tableau of shape: 4 2 1 
1 3 8 9 
2 6 

Example Tableau_TabMonoid-fingen (H145E9)

We create a tableau monoid over a finite set of labels, and look at the image of a word.

> O<x,y,z> := OrderedMonoid(3);
> M := TableauMonoid(O);
> M;
Monoid of Tableaux labelled by the generators of:
The monoid of words over 3 generators: x y z
> M ! (z*y*x*z*y*y*x*y*x*z);
Tableau of shape: 5 3 2 
x x x y z 
y y y 
z z 

Creation of Tableaux

Tableaux are created from the words of some ordered monoid. For tableaux over the positive integers, the rows can be input directly as sequences. Words can be used to exactly specify the rows of a tableau, or an entire word can be mapped to a tableau using row insertion.

Tableau(Q) : SeqEnum[RngIntElt/2] -> Tbl
Given a sequence of sequences of non-negative integers Q, return the tableau with the elements of Q as its rows. Zeroes will indicate skew entries. The resulting tableau must have weakly increasing rows and strictly increasing columns.
Tableau(Q) : SeqEnum[MonOrdElt] -> Tbl
Given a sequence Q of words from some ordered monoid, return the (non-skew) tableau with the words of Q as its rows. The resulting tableau must have weakly increasing rows and strictly increasing columns.
Tableau(S, Q) : SeqEnum[RngIntElt], SeqEnum[RngIntElt/2] -> Tbl
Given a sequence of nonnegative integers S which is a partition, and a sequence of sequences of positive integers Q. Create a skew tableau with skew (inner) shape given by the partition S, and the non-skew part of each row being given by the entries of Q. The resulting tableau must have weakly increasing rows and strictly increasing columns.
Tableau(S, Q) : SeqEnum[RngIntElt], SeqEnum[MonOrdElt] -> Tbl
Given a sequence of nonnegative integers S which is a partition, and a sequence Q of words from some ordered monoid. Create a skew tableau with skew (inner) shape given by the partition S, and the non-skew part of each row being given by the words of Q. The resulting tableau must have weakly increasing rows and strictly increasing columns.
WordToTableau(w) : MonOrdElt -> Tbl
WordToTableau(u) : MonPlcElt -> Tbl
Given a word w from an ordered monoid, return the tableau obtained by row inserting the entries of w (from the left) into the empty tableau.

If given an element u of a plactic monoid, any word of its Knuth equivalence class is used. This map is invariant under Knuth equivalence and so is well defined for elements of the plactic monoid.

It is a surjective homomorphism from the ordered monoid to the tableau monoid, and an isomorphism from the plactic monoid to the tableau monoid.

M ! w : MonTbl, MonOrdElt -> Tbl
Given a tableau monoid M and a word w from its associated ordered monoid, return the tableau corresponding to w through row insertion.
M ! u : MonTbl, MonPlcElt -> Tbl
Given a tableau monoid M and an element u from a plactic monoid associated with the same ordered monoid as M, return the tableau corresponding to u through row insertion.
M ! [i1, ..., in] : MonPlc, [MonPlcElt] -> MonPlcElt
Given the tableau monoid M over the positive integers, and a sequence of positive integers, return the tableau corresponding to the word i1 * ... * in.
M ! Q : MonPlc, SeqEnum -> MonPlcElt
Given the tableau monoid M over the positive integers, and a sequence of sequences of non-negative integers Q, return the tableau with the elements of Q as its rows. Zeroes will indicate skew entries. The resulting tableau must have weakly increasing rows and strictly increasing columns.
M ! Q : MonPlc, SeqEnum -> MonPlcElt
Given a tableau monoid M, and a sequence Q of words from its associated ordered monoid, return the (non-skew) tableau with the words of Q as its rows. The resulting tableau must have weakly increasing rows and strictly increasing columns.

Example Tableau_Tabcreate-basic (H145E10)

We create a tableau over the positive integers in two ways. First we input its rows explicitly, then we use a single word which specifies the tableau. We also create a skew tableau by using zero entries in a sequence of sequences.

> O := OrderedIntegerMonoid();
> T := Tableau( [ [2,5,5,6], [5,7,9,9], [6,9] ]);
> T;
Tableau of shape: 4 4 2 
2 5 5 6 
5 7 9 9 
6 9 
> WordToTableau( O ! [6,9,5,7,9,9,2,5,5,6] );
Tableau of shape: 4 4 2 
2 5 5 6 
5 7 9 9 
6 9 
> Tableau([ [0,0,0,3,4,5], [0,1,2,4], [1,6] ]);
Skew tableau of shape: 6 4 2 / 3 1 
0 0 0 3 4 5 
0 1 2 4 
1 6 

Example Tableau_Tabcreate-fingen (H145E11)

We create a skew tableau in a tableau monoid with finitely many labels.

> O<a,b,c,d> := OrderedMonoid(4);
> T := Tableau( [3,2] , [ a*a*b*d, b*d*d, a*b]);
> T;
Skew tableau of shape: 7 5 2 / 3 2 
0 0 0 a a b d 
0 0 b d d 
a b 

Example Tableau_Tabcreate-bang (H145E12)

We create the ordered, plactic and tableau monoids each over the positive integers, and examine the natural maps between them.

> O := OrderedIntegerMonoid();
> P := PlacticIntegerMonoid();
> M := TableauIntegerMonoid();
> w1 := O ! [4,6,2,6,9,6,2,2,1,7];
> w2 := O ! [9,4,2,1,6,2,6,2,6,7];
> w1 eq w2;
> IsKnuthEquivalent(w1,w2);
Knuth equivalence implies equality for the image in both the plactic and tableau monoids.

> (P!w1) eq (P!w2);
> P!w1;
9 4 2 6 6 1 2 2 6 7 
> (M!w1) eq (M!w2);
> M!w1;
Tableau of shape: 5 3 1 1 
1 2 2 6 7 
2 6 6 
The plactic and tableau monoids are isomorphic. We confirm that the natural image of an equivalence class from the plactic monoid is the same as the natural images of its member words.

> M!w1 eq M ! (P!w1);

Enumeration of Tableaux

Multiple tableaux may be created corresponding to specified parameters.

StandardTableaux(P) : SeqEnum[RngIntElt] -> SetEnum
StandardTableaux(M, P) : MonTbl, SeqEnum[RngIntElt] -> SetEnum
Returns the set of all standard tableau from the tableau monoid M of shape P, which is a partition.

If a tableau monoid M is not specified then the monoid over the positive integers is used. If M is specified then it must contain enough labels to fill the shape P, (i.e. more than Weight(P)).

StandardTableauxOfWeight(n) : RngIntElt -> SetEnum
StandardTableauxOfWeight(M, n) : MonTbl, RngIntElt -> SetEnum
Returns the set of all standard tableau from the tableau monoid M and of weight n, which is a positive integer.

If a tableau monoid M is not specified then the monoid over the positive integers is used. If M is specified then it must contain at least n labels.

TableauxOfShape(S, m) : SeqEnum[RngIntElt], RngIntElt -> SetEnum
TableauxOfShape(M, S, m) : MonTbl, SeqEnum[RngIntElt], RngIntElt -> SetEnum
Given a tableau monoid M, a sequence of positive integers S which is a partition, and a positive integer m, then return the set of all tableau of shape S which use only the first m labels of the tableau monoid M.

If a tableau monoid M is not specified then the monoid over the positive integers is used. If M is specified then it must contain at least m labels.

TableauxOnShapeWithContent(S, C) : SeqEnum[RngIntElt], SeqEnum[RngIntElt] -> SetEnum
TableauxOnShapeWithContent(M, S, C) : MonTbl, SeqEnum[RngIntElt], SeqEnum[RngIntElt] -> SetEnum
Given a tableau monoid M, a sequence of positive integers S which is a partition, and a sequence of non--negative integers C, then return the set of all tableau from M having shape S and content C (see section Properties for definition of content). If C prescribes fewer cells than would completely fill the shape S, then the tableau within the given shape is returned.

If a tableau monoid M is not specified then the monoid over the positive integers is used. If M is specified then it must have at least as many labels as C has entries.

TableauxWithContent(C) : SeqEnum[RngIntElt] -> SetEnum
TableauxWithContent(M, C) : MonTbl, SeqEnum[RngIntElt] -> SetEnum
Given a tableau monoid M, and a sequence of non-negative integers C, return the set of all tableau from M with content C (see section Properties for definition of content).

If a tableau monoid M is not specified then the monoid over the positive integers is used. If M is specified then it must have at least as many labels as C has entries.

Example Tableau_MultTabCreate1 (H145E13)

We create all tableaux of a given shape, then check that the number of tableaux created agrees with the combinatorical result.

> P := [ 3, 2];
> S := StandardTableaux( P );
> S;
{ Tableau of shape: 3 2 
 1 2 3
 4 5, Tableau of shape: 3 2 
 1 3 4
 2 5, Tableau of shape: 3 2 
 1 3 5
 2 4, Tableau of shape: 3 2 
 1 2 5
 3 4, Tableau of shape: 3 2 
 1 2 4
 3 5 }
> #S eq NumberOfStandardTableaux( P );

Example Tableau_MultTabcreate-fingen (H145E14)

We create all tableau over the ordered generators a, b, c, d which have shape [4, 2] and exactly two a's, one b, two c's and one d. There is in fact four of them.

> O<a,b,c,d> := OrderedMonoid(4);
> M := TableauMonoid(O);
> TableauxOnShapeWithContent( M, [4,2], [2,1,2,1]);
{ Tableau of shape: 4 2 
a a c c 
b d , Tableau of shape: 4 2 
a a b c 
c d , Tableau of shape: 4 2 
a a b d 
c c , Tableau of shape: 4 2 
a a c d 
b c  }

Random Tableaux

The functions in this section are based on ideas from [GNW84].

RandomHookWalk(P, i, j) : SeqEnum[RngIntElt], RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> RngIntElt, RngIntElt
RandomHookWalk(t, i, j) : Tbl, RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> RngIntElt, RngIntElt
A random hook walk is an essential tool for the creation of random tableau. The hook of a cell on a Young diagram is the cells to the right and below its position. The Young diagram is specified by either the sequence of positive integers P which is a partition, or the tableau t.

Given positive integers i and j such that (i, j) lies on the shape, the walk proceeds as follows. Starting from the specified (i, j)-th cell, move to another cell chosen at random from its hook. Repeat this process until a outside corner of the Young diagram is reached, and return the two integers representing the coordinates of this final cell.

RandomTableau(S) : SeqEnum[RngIntElt] -> Tbl
RandomTableau(M, S) : MonTbl, SeqEnum[RngIntElt] -> Tbl
Given a tableau monoid M, and a sequence of positive integers S which is a partition, return a random standard tableau from M of shape S.

If a tableau monoid M is not specified then the monoid over the positive integers is used. If M is specified then it must contain enough labels to fill the shape S, (i.e. more than Weight(S)).

RandomTableau(n) : RngIntElt -> Tbl
RandomTableau(M, n) : MonTbl, RngIntElt -> Tbl
Given a tableau monoid M, and a positive integer n, return a (not completely) random standard tableau of weight n. The probability of any specific tableau of shape S being returned is NS/n!, where NS is the number of standard tableaux of shape S. So tableaux on more populous shapes are more likely to occur.

If a tableau monoid M is not specified then the monoid over the positive integers is used. If M is specified then it must contain at least n labels.

Example Tableau_Tab-Random (H145E15)

We numerically test the random creation of tableau of a given shape, by calculating the average percentage difference in the number of each tableau created. We find it to be less than one percent.

> P := [4,3,2];
> Runs := 10000;
> S := Setseq( StandardTableaux( P ) );
> Count := [0: i in [1..#S]];
> for k in [1..Runs] do
>     T := RandomTableau( P );
>     i := Index(S,T);
>     Count[i] +:= 1;
> end for;
> Average :=  Runs/#S;
> Diff := [RealField(2) | Abs( (Count[i] - Average)/Average )
> : i in [1..#Count]];
> AvgDiff := (&+ Diff)/#Diff;
> AvgDiff;

Basic Access Functions

Shape(t) : Tbl -> SeqEnum[RngIntElt]
OuterShape(t) : Tbl -> SeqEnum
The (outer) shape of a tableau t is the sequence of positive integers denoting the (decreasing) row lengths of its Young Diagram, which results in a partition.

SkewShape(t) : Tbl -> SeqEnum[RngIntElt]
InnerShape(t) : Tbl -> SeqEnum[RngIntElt]
The Young diagram of a skew tableau t has a smaller Young diagram inside of it deleted. The skew, or inner, shape of a skew tableau is the sequence of positive integers denoting the (decreasing) row lengths of this deleted diagram, which results in a partition.

A non-skew tableau is a special case of a skew tableau, whose skew shape is simply the null sequence.

Trailing zeroes are added to the inner shape of t to give it the same length as the outer shape of t.

PartitionCovers(P1, P2) : SeqEnum, SeqEnum -> BoolElt
Given two sequences of integers, P1 and P2, which are partitions, return true if the Young diagram of P1 covers the Young diagram of P2.
ConjugatePartition(P) : SeqEnum -> SeqEnum
Given a sequence of integers P which is a partition, return the partition corresponding to the conjugate Young diagram of P (see section Tableaux for a full description).
Weight(t) : Tbl -> RngIntElt
Given a tableau t, return the positive integer which is the number of (non--skew) cells in its Young Diagram.

SkewWeight(t) : Tbl -> RngIntElt
Given a tableau t, return the positive integer which is the number of skew cells in its Young Diagram.
NumberOfRows(t) : Tbl -> RngIntElt
Given a tableau t, return a positive integer which is its number of rows.

NumberOfSkewRows(t) : Tbl -> RngIntElt
Given a tableau t, return a positive integer which is its number of skewed rows.
Row(t, i) : Tbl, RngIntElt -> MonOrdElt
Given a tableau t, return the non-skewed entries of the i--th row as a word of an ordered monoid.

Rows(t) : Tbl -> SeqEnum[MonOrdElt]
Given a tableau t, return a sequence of words from an ordered monoid which are the non-skewed entries of its rows.
Column(t, j) : Tbl, RngIntElt -> MonOrdElt
Given a tableau t, return the non-skewed entries of the j--th column as a word of an ordered monoid.
Columns(t) : Tbl -> SeqEnum[MonOrdElt]
Given a tableau t, return a sequence of words from an ordered monoid which are the non-skewed entries of its columns.
RowSkewLength(t, i) : Tbl,RngIntElt -> RngIntElt
Given a tableau t, return the length of the skewed portion of the i--th row (zero if no skewed portion).

ColumnSkewLength(t, j) : Tbl,RngIntElt -> RngIntElt
Given a tableau t, return the length of the skewed portion of the j--th column (zero if no skewed portion).

FirstIndexOfRow(t, i) : Tbl,RngIntElt -> RngIntElt
Given a tableau t and a positive integer i, return the index of the first non--skew entry of the i--th row of t. If the row has no non--skew entries then the index will be one greater than the length of the row, i.e., out of bounds.

LastIndexOfRow(t, i) : Tbl,RngIntElt -> RngIntElt
RowLength(t, i) : Tbl,RngIntElt -> RngIntElt
Given a tableau t and a positive integer i, return the index of the last entry of the i--th row of t, which is the length of the i--th row.

FirstIndexOfColumn(t, j) : Tbl,RngIntElt -> RngIntElt
Given a tableau t and a positive integer j, return the index of the first non--skew entry of the j--th column of t. If the column has no non--skew entries then the index will be one greater than the length of the column, i.e., out of bounds.

LastIndexOfColumn(t, j) : Tbl,RngIntElt -> RngIntElt
ColumnLength(t, j): Tbl,RngIntElt -> RnfIntElt
Given a tableau t and a positive integer j, return the index of the last entry in the j--th column of t, which is the length of the j--th column.

Example Tableau_Tab-Access (H145E16)

Given a skew tableau, we access a number of its structural properties.

> T := Tableau( [3,3,2] , [ [4, 6 ] ,[5, 9], [1, 8] ]);
> T;
Skew tableau of shape: 5 5 4 / 3 3 2 
0 0 0 4 6 
0 0 0 5 9 
0 0 1 8 
> Shape(T);
[ 5, 5, 4 ]
> Weight(T);
> SkewWeight(T);
> NumberOfRows(T);
> NumberOfSkewRows(T);
> RowSkewLength(T, 2);
> Row(T, 2);
5 9 
> ColumnSkewLength(T, 3);
> Column(T, 3);


HookLength(t, i, j) : Tbl, RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> RngIntElt
HookLength(P, i, j) : SeqEnum[RngIntElt],RngIntElt,RngIntElt -> RngIntElt
The hook of a cell on a Young diagram comprises the cells to the right and below its position. The Young diagram is specified by either the sequence of positive integers P which is a partition or the tableau t. The number of cells contained in a hook is its length.

For positive integers i and j such that (i, j) is the co-ordinates of a cell lying on the specified Young diagram, a positive integer is returned which is the length of the hook of that cell.

Content(t) : Tbl -> SeqEnum
Given a tableau t, return a sequence of non-negative integers which is its content.

The content of t is such that its i--th value denotes the number of times the i--th label occurs in t.

Word(t) : Tbl -> MonOrdElt
RowWord(t) : Tbl -> MonOrdElt
Given a tableau t, its row word is formed by reading its entries from left to right, bottom to top. The result is a word of an ordered monoid.
ColumnWord(t) : Tbl -> SeqEnum
Given a tableau t, its column word is formed by reading its labels from bottom to top, left to right. The result is a word of an ordered monoid.
IsStandard(t) : Tbl -> BoolElt
Given a tableau t of weight n, then t is standard if and only if its entries are exactly the first n labels of its parent monoid. So t is standard if and only if it has a content of the form [1, 1, ..., 1].
IsSkew(t) : Tbl -> BoolElt
Returns true if the tableau t is a skew tableau.

IsLittlewoodRichardson(t) : Tbl -> BoolElt
Given a tableau t, then it is a Littlewood--Richardson tableau if the content of t forms a reverse lattice word, (see section Words for a definition of a reverse lattice word).

Example Tableau_Tab-check-standard (H145E17)

We create a tableau which is not standard. Examining its content shows a simple to way to transform it into a standard tableau.

> O := OrderedIntegerMonoid();
> T := WordToTableau( O ! [8,1,7,3,6,2,5,9] );
> T;
Tableau of shape: 4 2 1 1 
 1 2 5 9
 3 6
> Content(T);
[ 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
> IsStandard(T);
> RowInsert(~T, 4);
> T;
Tableau of shape: 4 2 1 1 1 
 1 2 4 9
 3 5
> Content(T);
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
> IsStandard(T);

Example Tableau_Tab-check-words (H145E18)

Given a tableau, check that the row and column words are Knuth equivalent.

> T := Tableau( [2, 2], [ [1,2,3], [4,6,6], [1,5], [2,6] ]);
> T;
Skew tableau of shape: 5 5 2 2 / 2 2 
0 0 1 2 3 
0 0 4 6 6 
1 5 
2 6 
> RW := RowWord(T);
> RW;
2 6 1 5 4 6 6 1 2 3 
> CW := ColumnWord(T);
> CW;
2 1 6 5 4 1 6 2 6 3 
> IsKnuthEquivalent(RW, CW);


Several operations exist to manipulate tableaux and allow them to interact.

t1 eq t2 : MonPlcElt, MonPlcElt -> BoolElt
Given two tableaux t1 and t2, return true if they are equal.
t1 * t2 : Tbl, Tbl -> Tbl
Given two tableaux t1 and t2, return another tableau which is their product. The product of two tableaux can be defined using either row insertion or jeu de taquin.
DiagonalSum(t1, t2) : Tbl,Tbl -> Tbl
The DiagonalSum of two tableau t1 and t2 is formed by first building a rectangle of empty cells, with the same number of columns as t1 and the same number of rows as t2. Then t1 is attached below the rectangle and t2 attached to right of it.

Conjugate(t) : Tbl -> Tbl
Given a tableau t with strictly increasing rows, the rows and columns of t are transposed to form a new tableau on the conjugate Young diagram.

JeuDeTaquin(~t, i, j) : Tbl, RngIntElt, RngIntElt ->
JeuDeTaquin(t, i, j) : Tbl, RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> Tbl
Given a skew tableau t, and the co-ordinates (i, j) which must be a skew cell that is an inside corner (a corner on the skew shape of t). The skewed (i, j)--th cell is removed using jeu de taquin.

JeuDeTaquin(~t) : Tbl ->
JeuDeTaquin(t) : Tbl -> Tbl
Rectify(~t) : Tbl ->
Rectify(t) : Tbl -> Tbl
Given a tableau t, remove all skewed cells successively using jeu de taquin.
InverseJeuDeTaquin(~t, i, j) : Tbl, RngIntElt, RngIntElt ->
InverseJeuDeTaquin(t, i, j) : Tbl, RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> Tbl
Given a tableau t, and co-ordinates (i, j) which must lie on the outside of t resulting in a new and valid shape. A new skew tableau with skew degree one higher than t is created. This is achieved by adding a new skew cell in the (i, j)--th position, then performing jeu de taquin in reverse, which moves the new entry to create a valid skew tableau.
RowInsert(~t, w) : Tbl, MonOrdElt ->
RowInsert(t, w) : Tbl, MonOrdElt -> Tbl
RowInsert(~t, u) : Tbl, MonPlcElt ->
RowInsert(t, u) : Tbl, MonPlcElt -> Tbl
Given a tableau t and a word w from the same ordered monoid that t is associated to, insert w into t using Schensted's row insertion algorithm.

If given an element u of a plactic monoid, any word of its Knuth equivalence class is used. This map is invariant under Knuth equivalence and so is well defined for elements of the plactic monoid.

RowInsert(~t, x) : Tbl, RngIntElt ->
RowInsert(t, x) : Tbl, RngIntElt -> Tbl
Given a tableau t over the positive integers, and a positive integer x, insert x into t using the Schensted's row insertion algorithm.

InverseRowInsert(~t, i, j) : Tbl, RngIntElt, RngIntElt ->
InverseRowInsert(t, i, j) : Tbl, RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> Tbl, MonOrdElt
Given a tableau t and positive integers i and j such that (i, j) corresponds to an outside corner cell of the tableau t, then the row insertion algorithm is applied in reverse to remove the specified entry. In the functional form, both the generated tableau and the value of the removed entry as a word of an ordered monoid are returned.

Example Tableau_Tab-Jeu (H145E19)

The order with which the skew entries of a skew tableau are removed using jeu de taquin is irrelevant to the final tableau produced. We give an example of this.

> T := Tableau([2,1], [ [2], [3,4] ,[3] ]);
> T1 := T;
> T;
Skew tableau of shape: 3 3 1 / 2 1 
 0 0 2
 0 3 4
> JeuDeTaquin(~T, 1, 2); T;
Skew tableau of shape: 3 2 1 / 1 1 
 0 2 4
 0 3
> JeuDeTaquin(~T, 2, 1); T;
Skew tableau of shape: 3 2 / 1 
 0 2 4
 3 3
> JeuDeTaquin(~T, 1, 1); T;
Tableau of shape: 3 1 
 2 3 4
> JeuDeTaquin(~T1, 2, 1); T1;
Skew tableau of shape: 3 3 / 2 
 0 0 2
 3 3 4
> JeuDeTaquin(~T1, 1, 2); T1;
Skew tableau of shape: 3 2 / 1 
 0 2 4
 3 3
> JeuDeTaquin(~T1, 1, 1); T1;
Tableau of shape: 3 1 
 2 3 4
> T eq T1;

Example Tableau_Tab-Comp-Mult (H145E20)

We manually compare the two different methods of multiplying tableau.

> O<a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h> := OrderedMonoid(8);
> T1 := Tableau( [ a*c*f, d*g]);
> T2 := Tableau( [ b*b*e*f, d*g*h]);
First using row insert,

> w := Word(T2);
> w;
d g h b b e f 
> Res1 := RowInsert(T1, w);
> Res1;
Tableau of shape: 5 4 2 1 
a b b e f 
c d g h 
d f 
and then using JeuDeTaquin.

> Res2 := DiagonalSum(T1, T2);
> Res2;
Skew tableau of shape: 7 6 3 2 / 3 3 
0 0 0 b b e f 
0 0 0 d g h 
a c f 
d g 
> Rectify(~Res2);
> Res2;
Tableau of shape: 5 4 2 1 
a b b e f 
c d g h 
d f 
Now we check our results.

> Res1 eq Res2;
> Res1 eq (T1*T2);

The Robinson-Schensted-Knuth Correspondence

While the map from the plactic monoid to tableaux is an isomorphism, many different words from the original ordered monoid map to the same tableau. However a bijective map exists between an ordered monoid and pairs of tableau of the same shape, the second of which being a standard tableau. This is known as the Robinson correspondence.

By removing the restriction that the second tableau be standard, this correspondence is extended further to a bijective map with all matrices with non-negative integers. This is known as the Robinson-Schensted-Knuth (RSK) correspondence.

This latter correspondence can also be made to all lexicographically ordered pairs of words (both having the same length).

LexicographicalOrdering(~w1, ~w2) : MonOrdElt, MonOrdElt ->
LexicographicalOrdering(w1, w2) : MonOrdElt, MonOrdElt -> MonOrdElt, MonOrdElt
Given two words w1 and w2 of the same length, place them in increasing lexicographical order (the functional version returns two new words). Lexicographical ordering on the pairs (w1[i], w2[i]) is determined primarily by the comparison w2[i] < w2[j], but if w2[i] = w2[j] then the comparison w1[i] < w1[j] is taken into account.
IsLexicographicallyOrdered(w1, w2) : MonOrdElt, MonOrdElt -> boolean
Given two words w1 and w2, return true if the pairs (w1[i], w2[i]) are ordered according to the ordering described in LexicographicalOrdering.
RSKCorrespondence(w) : SeqEnum[RngIntElt] -> Tbl, Tbl
Given a word w, use the bijective map described by the Robinson-Schensted-Knuth correspondence to return two tableau t1 and t2. The first tableau, t1, will be labelled by the entries of w, while t2 is a standard tableau over the positive integers.

The map described by the correspondence is as follows. Map the word w to t1 by row inserting its entries into the empty tableau, (as is done in WordToTableau). As t1 is being generated, the insertion tableau t2 is built simultaneously. As w[k] is inserted into t1, an additional cell is added to its shape. A new cell is added to t2 in exactly the same place, and it is labelled with the integer k.

InverseRSKCorrespondenceSingleWord(t1, t2) : Tbl, Tbl -> MonOrdElt
Given a pair of tableaux t1, t2, of the same shape, where t2 is over the positive integers, return the preimage of t1 and t2 using the bijective map described by the Robinson-Schensted-Knuth correspondence.

The result is returned as a single word of the ordered monoid of t1, as described in the single word version of RSKCorrespondence.

RSKCorrespondence(w1, w2) : SeqEnum[RngIntElt], SeqEnum[RngIntElt] -> Tbl,Tbl
Given two lexicographically ordered words w1 and w2 of the same length, where w2 must be over the positive integers, use the bijective map described by the Robinson-Schensted-Knuth correspondence to return two tableau t1 and t2. The first tableau, t1, will be labelled by the entries of w1, while t2 will be labelled by the entries of w2.

The map described by the correspondence is as follows. Map the word w1 to t1 by row inserting its entries into the empty tableau, (as is done in WordToTableau). As t1 is being generated, the insertion tableau t2 is built simultaneously. As w[k] is inserted into t1, an additional cell is added to its shape. A new cell is added to t2 in exactly the same place, and it is labelled with the integer w2[k].

InverseRSKCorrespondenceDoubleWord(t1, t2) : Tbl, Tbl -> MonOrdElt, MonOrdElt
Given a pair of tableaux t1, t2, of the same shape, where t2 is over the positive integers, return the preimage of t1 and t2 using the bijective map described by the Robinson-Schensted-Knuth correspondence.

The result is returned as words of the ordered monoids of t1 and t2 respectively, as described in the double word version of RSKCorrespondence.

RSKCorrespondence(M) : Mtrx -> Tbl, Tbl
Given a matrix M of non-negative integers, use the bijective map described by the Robinson-Schensted-Knuth correspondence to return two tableau t1 and t2 over the positive integers.

The map described by the correspondence is as follows. Initialise two words over the positive integers, w1 and w2, as null words. For the (i, j)--th entry of M, say mij, append i to w1 mij times, and append j to w2 mij times. These two words are then used in the correspondence described in the above version of RSKCorrespondence.

InverseRSKCorrespondenceMatrix(t1, t2) : Tbl, Tbl -> Mat
Given a pair of tableaux t1, t2, of the same shape, both over the positive integers, return the preimage of t1 and t2 using the bijective map described by the Robinson-Schensted-Knuth correspondence.

The result is a matrix of non-negative integers, as described in the matrix version of RSKCorrespondence.

Example Tableau_RSK-singleword (H145E21)

We take two words from the ordered monoid over the positive integers. Although they correspond to the same tableau under the natural mapping into the tableau monoid, we show they have a different image under the RSK correspondence. That is, they have different insertion tableaux.

> O := OrderedIntegerMonoid();
> M := TableauMonoid(O);
> a := O ! [4,7,2,8,4,9,2];
> a;
4 7 2 8 4 9 2
> b := O ! [7,4,2,4,2,8,9];
> b;
7 4 2 4 2 8 9
Now we will see that a and b have the same image in the tableau monoid, but that they are distinguished under the RSK correspondence.

> (M!a) eq (M!b);
> Ta1, Ta2 := RSKCorrespondence(a);
> Tb1, Tb2 := RSKCorrespondence(b);
> Ta1 eq Tb1;
> Ta2 eq Tb2;
> Ta2;
Tableau of shape: 4 2 1
1 2 4 6
3 5
> Tb2;
Tableau of shape: 4 2 1
1 4 6 7
2 5
To check that the map is indeed bijective we find a and b as the pre-images of the created tableaux.

> InverseRSKCorrespondenceSingleWord(Ta1,Ta2 );
4 7 2 8 4 9 2
> InverseRSKCorrespondenceSingleWord(Tb1,Tb2 );
7 4 2 4 2 8 9

Example Tableau_RSK-doubleword (H145E22)

We apply the RSK correspondence to two arbitrary words, the first from a finitely generated ordered monoid. The second word must always be over the positive integers. The first step is to put them into lexicographical order.

> O1<a,b,c,d,e,f> := OrderedMonoid(6);
> O2 := OrderedIntegerMonoid();
> w1 := e*a*e*b*f*d*a;
> w2 := O2 ! [3,8,2,8,3,3,6];
> LexicographicalOrdering(~w1, ~w2);
> w1, w2;
e d e f a a b  2 3 3 3 6 8 8
Now we use the correspondence,

> T1, T2 := RSKCorrespondence(w1, w2);
> T1;
Tableau of shape: 3 3 1
a a b
d e f
> T2;
Tableau of shape: 3 3 1
2 3 3
3 8 8
and check that the inverse is correct.

> InverseRSKCorrespondenceDoubleWord(T1, T2);
e d e f a a b  2 3 3 3 6 8 8

Example Tableau_RSK-Matrix (H145E23)

We give an example of the bijective map provided by the RSK correspondence between matrices of non-negative integers and pairs of tableaux of the same shape.

> M := Matrix(2,3,[0,0,2,3,1,2]);
> M;
[0 0 2]
[3 1 2]
> T1, T2 := RSKCorrespondence(M);
> T1;
Tableau of shape: 6 2
1 1 1 2 3 3
3 3
> T2;
Tableau of shape: 6 2
1 1 2 2 2 2
2 2
> InverseRSKCorrespondenceMatrix(T1, T2);
[0 0 2]
[3 1 2]
Looking now at preimage of the tableaux in the double word format, the (i, j) co-ordinates of entries of M can clearly be seen with the correct multiplicities.

> wj, wi := InverseRSKCorrespondenceDoubleWord(T1, T2);
> wi;
1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2
> wj;
3 3 1 1 1 2 3 3

Example Tableau_RSK-perms (H145E24)

We illustrate the remarkable property that a permutation p (in image notation) corresponds to the tableaux pair (T1, T2) if and only if the inverse permutation p - 1 corresponds to the tableaux pair (T2, T1).

> O := OrderedIntegerMonoid();
> n := Random([1..100]);
> G := SymmetricGroup(n);
> p := Random(G);
> T1, T2 := RSKCorrespondence( O ! Eltseq(p) );
> p1 := InverseRSKCorrespondenceSingleWord( T2, T1);
> p1 := G ! Eltseq(p1);
> p1 eq p^-1;

Counting Tableaux

NumberOfStandardTableaux(P) : SeqEnum -> RngIntElt
Given a sequence of positive integers P which is a partition, return the number of standard tableaux of shape P. This is the same as the number of Knuth equivalent words corresponding to each standard tableaux of shape P.
NumberOfStandardTableauxOnWeight(n) : RngIntElt -> RngIntElt
Given a positive integer n, return the number of standard tableaux having weight n.
NumberOfTableauxOnAlphabet(P, m) : SeqEnum,RngIntElt -> RngIntElt
Given a sequence of positive integers P which is a partition, return the number of tableau of shape P with entries from [1, ..., m].
KostkaNumber(S, C) : SeqEnum[RngIntElt], SeqEnum[RngIntElt] -> RngIntElt
Given a sequence of positive integers S forming a partition, and a sequence of non-negative integers C, return the number of tableau having shape S and content C. If C prescribes fewer cells than would completely fill the shape S, then the number of tableau within the given shape is returned.

Example Tableau_CountStandardTab (H145E25)

There is a correspondence between the number of standard tableaux on a given shape, and the number of words associated with each of those tableaux. We manually count the number of words corresponding to a specific standard tableau, and show that this is equal to the number of standard tableaux on that shape.

> O := OrderedIntegerMonoid();
> T := Tableau( [ [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 7],
>                 [ 5, 8],
>                 [ 6]    ] );
> T;
Tableau of shape: 5 2 1 
 1 2 3 4 7
 5 8
> n := Weight(T);
> G := SymmetricGroup(n);
> S := [1..n];
> Count := 0;
> for p in G do
>     T1 := WordToTableau( O ! (S^p) );
>     if T1 eq T then
>         Count +:= 1;
>     end if;
> end for;
> Count;
> NumberOfStandardTableaux( Shape(T) );

Example Tableau_CountTabAlph-Binomial (H145E26)

If a tableaux is constructed of the shape [1, 1, 1, ..., 1] then the entries must be strictly increasing, hence non-repeating. So for such a tableau of length n on an alphabet of m symbols, each subset of n symbols will correspond to one single distinct tableau. So the number of tableau will be (m choose n).

> m := Random(1,50);
> n := Random(1,m);
> Shape := [ 1 : i in [1..n] ];
> Binomial(m,n) eq NumberOfTableauxOnAlphabet(Shape, m);
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