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Nearfield Properties
      Sharply Doubly Transitive Groups
Constructing Nearfields
      Dickson Nearfields
      Zassenhaus Nearfields
Operations on Elements
      Nearfield Arithmetic
      Equality and Membership
      Parent and Category
      Predicates on Nearfield Elements
Operations on Nearfields
The Group of Units
Nearfield Planes
      Hughes Planes



Nearfield Properties

      Sharply Doubly Transitive Groups

Constructing Nearfields

      Dickson Nearfields
            DicksonPairs(p, hlo, hhi, vlo, vhi ) : RngIntElt, RngIntElt, RngIntElt, RngIntElt, RngIntElt) -> SeqEnum
            DicksonPairs(p, h1, v1) : RngIntElt, RngIntElt, RngIntElt) -> SeqEnum
            DicksonTriples(p, hb, vb) : RngIntElt, RngIntElt, RngIntElt) -> SeqEnum
            Example FldNear_dicksonpairs (H22E1)
            NumberOfVariants(q, v) : RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> RngIntElt
            NumberOfVariants(N) : NfdDck -> RngIntElt
            VariantRepresentatives(q, v) : RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> SeqEnum
            Example FldNear_variants (H22E2)
            DicksonNearfield(q, v : parameters) : RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> NfdDck
            Example FldNear_dickson (H22E3)

      Zassenhaus Nearfields
            ZassenhausNearfield(n) : RngIntElt -> NfdZss
            Example FldNear_zassenhaus (H22E4)

Operations on Elements

      Nearfield Arithmetic
            Inverse(a) : NfdElt -> NfdElt

      Equality and Membership

      Parent and Category
            N ! x : Nfd, FldFinElt -> NfdElt
            ElementToSequence(x) : NfdElt) -> SeqEnum

      Predicates on Nearfield Elements
            Example FldNear_simplearith (H22E5)
            Example FldNear_leftdist (H22E6)

Operations on Nearfields
      Cardinality(N) : Nfd -> RngIntElt
      Random(N) : Nfd -> NfdElt
      Identity(N) : Nfd -> NfdElt
      Zero(N) : Nfd -> NfdElt
      PrimeField(N) : Nfd -> FldFin
      Kernel(N) : Nfd -> FldFin

The Group of Units
      UnitGroup(N) : Nfd -> GrpMat, Map
      Example FldNear_unitgrp (H22E7)
      Order(x) : NfdElt -> RngIntElt
      AffineGroup(N) : Nfd -> GrpMat
      ExtendedUnitGroup(D) : NfdDck -> GrpMat

      IsIsomorphic(N1, N2) : NfdDck, NfdDck -> BoolElt, Map
      AutomorphismGroup(N) : NfdDck -> GrpPerm, Map

Nearfield Planes
      ProjectivePlane( N : parameters) : Nfd -> PlaneProj, PlanePtSet, PlaneLnSet
      Example FldNear_projplane (H22E8)

      Hughes Planes
            HughesPlane(N : parameters) : Nfd -> PlaneProj, PlanePtSet, PlaneLnSet
            Example FldNear_hughes (H22E9)


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Version: V2.19 of Wed Apr 24 15:09:57 EST 2013