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Creation of Lazy Series Rings
Functions on Lazy Series Rings
      Creation of Finite Lazy Series
            Creation of Lazy Series from Maps
      Arithmetic with Lazy Series
      Finding Coefficients of Lazy Series
      Predicates on Lazy Series
      Other Functions on Lazy Series



Creation of Lazy Series Rings
      LazyPowerSeriesRing(C, n) : Rng, RngIntElt -> RngPowLaz
      ChangeRing(L, C) : RngPowLaz, Rng -> RngPowLaz, Map
      Example RngLaz_ring_create (H50E1)

Functions on Lazy Series Rings
      R . i : RngPowLaz, RngIntElt -> RngPowLazElt
      AssignNames(~R, S) : RngPowLaz, [MonStgElt] ->
      BaseRing(R) : RngPowLaz -> Rng
      Rank(R) : RngPowLaz -> RngIntElt
      R1 eq R2 : RngPowLaz, RngPowLaz -> BoolElt
      Example RngLaz_ring-ops (H50E2)


      Creation of Finite Lazy Series
            R ! c : RngPowLaz, RngElt -> RngPowLazElt
            R ! s : RngPowLaz, RngPowLazElt -> RngPowLazElt
            R ! S : RngPowLaz, [RngElt] -> RngPowLazElt
            LazySeries(R, f) : RngPowLaz, RngMPolElt -> RngPowLazElt
            Example RngLaz_elt-create-fin (H50E3)

            Creation of Lazy Series from Maps
                  elt<R | m> : RngPowLaz, Map -> RngPowLazElt
                  Example RngLaz_maps-uni (H50E4)
                  Example RngLaz_maps-multi (H50E5)

      Arithmetic with Lazy Series
            s + t : RngPowLazElt, RngPowLazElt -> RngPowLazElt
            - s : RngPowLazElt -> RngPowLazElt
            s - t : RngPowLazElt, RngPowLazElt -> RngPowLazElt
            s * t : RngPowLazElt, RngPowLazElt -> RngPowLazElt
            s + r : RngPowLazElt, RngElt -> RngPowLazElt
            c * s : RngElt, RngPowLazElt -> RngPowLazElt
            s * n : RngPowLazElt, [RngIntElt] -> RngPowLazElt
            s ^ n : RngPowLazElt, RngIntElt -> RngPowLazElt
            Example RngLaz_elt_arith (H50E6)

      Finding Coefficients of Lazy Series
            Coefficient(s, i) : RngPowLazElt, RngIntElt -> RngElt
            Coefficient(s, T) : RngPowLazElt, SeqEnum -> RngElt
            Coefficients(s, n) : RngPowLazElt, RngIntElt -> [RngElt]
            Valuation(s) : RngPowLazElt -> Any
            PrintToPrecision(s, n) : RngPowLazElt, RngIntElt ->
            PrintTermsOfDegree(s, l, n) : RngPowLazElt, RngIntElt, RngIntElt ->
            LeadingCoefficient(s) : RngPowLazElt -> RngElt
            LeadingTerm(s) : RngPowLazElt -> RngPowLazElt
            Example RngLaz_elt_coeffs_spiral (H50E7)
            CoefficientsNonSpiral(s, n) : RngPowLazElt, [RngIntElt] -> SeqEnum
            Index(s, i, n) : RngPowLazElt, [RngIntElt], [RngIntElt] -> RngIntElt
            Example RngLaz_coeff_non_spiral (H50E8)

      Predicates on Lazy Series
            s eq t : RngPowLazElt, RngPowLazElt -> BoolElt
            IsZero(s) : RngPowLazElt -> BoolElt
            IsOne(s) : RngPowLazElt -> BoolElt
            IsMinusOne(s) : RngPowLazElt -> BoolElt
            IsUnit(s) : RngPowLazElt -> BoolElt
            IsWeaklyZero(s, n) : RngPowLazElt, RngIntElt -> BoolElt
            IsWeaklyEqual(s, t, n) : RngPowLazElt, RngPowLazElt, RngIntElt -> BoolElt

      Other Functions on Lazy Series
            Derivative(s) : RngPowLazElt -> RngPowLazElt
            Integral(s) : RngPowLazElt -> RngPowLazElt
            Evaluate(s, t) : RngPowLazElt, RngPowLazElt -> RngPowLazElt
            Example RngLaz_eval (H50E9)
            SquareRoot(s) : RngPowLazElt -> RngPowLazElt
            IsSquare(s) : RngPowLazElt -> BoolElt, RngPowLazElt
            PolynomialCoefficient(s, i) : RngPowLazElt, RngIntElt -> RngPowLazElt

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Version: V2.19 of Wed Apr 24 15:09:57 EST 2013