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Local Field Elements

L ! r : RngLocA, Any -> RngLocAElt
Return the element of the local field L described by r where r may be anything which is coercible into the quotient representation of L.
L . i : RngLocA, RngIntElt -> RngLocAElt
Return the generator of the local field L. The only valid input for i is 1.
InertialElement(L) : RngLocA -> RngLocAElt
Return a generator for the inertial subfield of the local field L.
UniformizingElement(L) : RngLocA -> RngLocAElt
Return an element of the local field L of valuation 1.


a * b : RngLocAElt, RngLocAElt -> RngLocAElt
a + b : RngLocAElt, RngLocAElt -> RngLocAElt
a - b : RngLocAElt, RngLocAElt -> RngLocAElt
- a : RngLocAElt -> RngLocAElt
a ^ n : RngLocAElt, RngIntElt -> RngLocAElt
a / b : RngLocAElt, RngLocAElt -> RngLocAElt

Predicates on Elements

a eq b : RngLocAElt, RngLocAElt -> BoolElt
Return whether the local field elements a and b are considered equal.
IsOne(a) : RngLocAElt -> BoolElt
IsMinusOne(a) : RngLocAElt -> BoolElt
Return whether the local field element a is known to be 1 or -1 to the precision of the field.
IsWeaklyZero(a) : RngLocAElt -> BoolElt
Return whether the local field element a is not known to be non zero.
IsZero(a) : RngLocAElt -> BoolElt
Return whether the local field element a is known to be zero.

Other Operations on Elements

Valuation(a) : RngLocAElt -> RngExtReElt
The valuation of the element a in a local field.
RelativePrecision(a) : RngLocAElt -> RngExtReElt
The relative precision of the element a in a local field.
Eltseq(a) : RngLocAElt -> SeqEnum
Return the coefficients of powers of the generator of the parent of a in a.
RepresentationMatrix(a) : RngLocAElt -> AlgMatElt
The representation matrix of the element a of a local field.

Example RngLocA_elts (H51E7)

Continuing from the first example we have :

> UniformizingElement(L);
a^2 + (6 + O(7^50))*a + 3 + O(7^50)
> InertialElement(L);
a + O(7^50)
> Valuation(UniformizingElement(L));
> Valuation(InertialElement(L));    
> Eltseq(UniformizingElement(L));
[ 3 + O(7^50), 6 + O(7^50), 1 + O(7^50) ]

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Version: V2.19 of Wed Apr 24 15:09:57 EST 2013