Institute of Mathematics

Conference / Details

NumPDE Summer Retreat 2020, Disentis

Organized by: M. Grote, H. Harbrecht, R. Hiptmair, S. Sauter

Home | Programme | Participants | Gallery |


Wednesday, 05.08.20
Time SpeakerTitlePlace
14:00-14:45Ignacio Labarca Figueroa
(SAM, ETH Zürich)
Acoustic scattering with Convolution Quadrature and the Method of Fundamental SolutionsDisentis
14:45-15:30Francesco Florian
(Universität Zürich)
Efficient solution of the acoustic wave equationDisentis
15:30-16:00coffee breakDisentis
16:00-16:45Ilja Kalmykov
(Departement Mathematik, Universität Basel)
Sparse grids approximation of the Riccati kernel for Dirichlet boundary controlDisentis
Thursday, 06.08.20
Time SpeakerTitlePlace
09:00-09:45Simon Michel
(Universität Zürich)
Stabilized leapfrog based local time-stepping method for the wave equationDisentis
09:45-10:30Céline Torres
(Institut für Mathematik, Universität Zürich)
Discrete Helmholtz stability: The NN algorithmDisentis
10:30-11:00coffee breakDisentis
11:00-11:45Piyush Panchal
(SAM, ETH Zürich)
Force computation using shape calculusDisentis
Friday, 07.08.20
Time SpeakerTitlePlace
09:00-09:45Erick Schulz
(SAM, ETH Zürich)
First-Kind Boundary Integral Equations for the Dirac Operator In 3D Lipschitz domainDisentis
09:45-10:30Joost Opschoor
(ETH Zürich)
Deep ReLU networks and high-order finite element methodsDisentis
10:30-11:00coffee breakDisentis
11:00-11:45Piyush Panchal
(SAM, ETH Zürich)
Force computation using shape calculusDisentis