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This chapter describes the specialised facilities for elliptic curves defined over finite fields. Details concerning their construction, arithmetic and basic properties may be found in Chapter ELLIPTIC CURVES. Most of the machinery has been constructed with Elliptic Curve Cryptography in mind.

The first major group of intrinsics relate to the determination of the order of the group of rational points of an elliptic curve over a large finite field. A variety of canonical lift algorithms are provided for characteristic 2 fields while the SEA algorithm is used for fields having characteristic greater than 2. These tools are used as the basis for functions that search for curves suitable for cryptographic applications.

A function for computing the Weil pairing forms the basis of the MOV reduction of the discrete logarithm problem (DLP) for a supersingular elliptic curve to a DLP in a finite field. A second type of attack on the DLP is based on the use of Weil desacent. Tools implementing a generalisation of the GHS attack for ordinary curves in characteristic 2 are provided.

Finally, for a direct attack on the DLP for elliptic curves, a parallel collision search version of the Pollard rho algorithm is available.  
Supersingular Curves
The Order of the Group of Points
      Point Counting
      Zeta Functions
      Cryptographic Elliptic Curve Domains
Enumeration of Points
Abelian Group Structure
Pairings on Elliptic Curves
      Weil Pairing
      Tate Pairing
      Eta Pairing
      Ate Pairing
Weil Descent in Characteristic Two
Discrete Logarithms


Supersingular Curves
      IsSupersingular(E: parameters) : CrvEll -> BoolElt
      SupersingularPolynomial(p) : RngIntElt -> RngUPolElt
      IsOrdinary(E) : CrvEll -> BoolElt
      IsProbablySupersingular(E) : CrvEll -> BoolElt

The Order of the Group of Points

      Point Counting
            # H: SetPtEll -> RngIntElt
            FactoredOrder(H) : SetPtEll -> RngIntElt
            SEA(H: parameters) : SetPtEll -> RngIntElt
            Example CrvEllFldFin_SEA (H117E1)
            SetVerbose("SEA", v) : MonStgElt, RngIntElt ->
            Order(H, r) : SetPtEll, RngIntElt -> RngIntElt
            Trace(H): SetPtEll -> RngIntElt
            Trace(H, r): SetPtEll, RngIntElt -> RngIntElt
            Example CrvEllFldFin_Order (H117E2)
            Example CrvEllFldFin_Twists (H117E3)

      Zeta Functions
            ZetaFunction(E) : CrvEll -> FldFunRatUElt
            Example CrvEllFldFin_Invariants to Read (H117E4)

      Cryptographic Elliptic Curve Domains
            CryptographicCurve(F) : FldFin -> CrvEll, PtEll, RngIntElt, RngIntElt
            SetVerbose("ECDom", v) : MonStgElt, RngIntElt ->
            Example CrvEllFldFin_CryptographicCurve (H117E5)

Enumeration of Points
      Points(E) : CrvEll -> @ PtEll @
      Random(E): CrvEll -> PtEll

Abelian Group Structure
      AbelianGroup(H) : SetPtEll -> GrpAb, Map
      Generators(H) : SetPtEll -> [ PtEll ]
      NumberOfGenerators(H) : SetPtEll -> RngIntElt
      Example CrvEllFldFin_AbelianGroup (H117E6)

Pairings on Elliptic Curves

      Weil Pairing
            WeilPairing(P, Q, n) : PtEll, PtEll, RngIntElt -> RngElt

      Tate Pairing
            TatePairing(P, Q, n) : PtEll, PtEll, RngIntElt -> RngElt
            ReducedTatePairing(P, Q, n) : PtEll, PtEll, RngIntElt -> RngElt

      Eta Pairing
            EtaTPairing(P, Q, n, q) : PtEll, PtEll, RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> RngElt
            ReducedEtaTPairing(P, Q, n, q) : PtEll, PtEll, RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> RngElt
            EtaqPairing(P, Q, n, q) : PtEll, PtEll, RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> RngElt

      Ate Pairing
            AteTPairing(Q, P, n, q) : PtEll, PtEll, RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> RngElt
            ReducedAteTPairing(Q, P, n, q) : PtEll, PtEll, RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> RngElt
            AteqPairing(P, Q, m, q) : PtEll, PtEll, RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> RngElt
            Example CrvEllFldFin_PairingsFiniteFields (H117E7)
            Example CrvEllFldFin_MOVWithWeilPairing (H117E8)

Weil Descent in Characteristic Two
      WeilDescent(E,k,c) : FldFun, FldFin, FldFinElt -> CrvPln, Map
      WeilDescentGenus(E,k,c) : FldFun, FldFin, FldFinElt -> RngIntElt
      WeilDescentDegree(E,k,c) : FldFun, FldFin, FldFinElt -> RngIntElt
      Example CrvEllFldFin_ec_weil_desc (H117E9)

Discrete Logarithms
      Log(Q, P) : PtEll, PtEll -> RngIntElt
      Log(Q, P, t) : PtEll, PtEll, RngIntElt -> RngIntElt


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