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Weil Descent in Characteristic Two

One approach to attacking the discrete logarithm problem for elliptic curves over finite fields is through Weil descent. Let E have base field K and let k be a subfield of K. The basic idea is to find a higher genus curve C/k along with a non-trivial homomorphism from E(K) to Jac(C)(k) [the Jacobian of C]. This transfers the problem to one over a smaller field and Index Calculus methods over C can then be applied.

Magma now contains an implementation, due to Florian Heß, of the GHS Weil Descent for ordinary (ie j(E) != 0) elliptic curves in characteristic 2 (see [Gau00] or the chapter by F. Heß in [Bla05]), which constructs such a C along with the divisor map from E to C.

WeilDescent(E,k,c) : FldFun, FldFin, FldFinElt -> CrvPln, Map
    HyperellipticImage: BoolElt         Default: true
The curve E/K is an ordinary elliptic curve over a finite field K of characteristic 2. The argument k is a subfield of K and c is a non-zero element of K.

The function uses GHS descent to construct a plane curve C/k and a map from E(K) to k-divisors of C. There are two possibilities:

i) The curve C is hyperelliptic and Magma implements the group law on its Jacobian, Jac(C). In this case, C will be returned as a hyperelliptic curve (type CrvHyp) and the map returned will actually be the divisor class homomorphism from E(K) to Jac(C)(k) [points of E(K) being identified with divisor classes in the usual way: P -> (P) - (0) ]

ii) Otherwise, C is returned as a general plane curve and the map is from points of E(K), considered as divisors of degree 1, to the corresponding k-divisor of C. In this case, where specialised Jacobian arithmetic is not available, it may be more convenient to work with the effective divisors rather than degree 0 divisors. The user may readily convert to the degree 0 case by getting h(0) initially and then using h((P) - (0))=h(P) - h(0), where h is the divisor map.

In case ii), no reduction of the image divisor is performed by the divisor map and if [K:k] is large then this divisor will have high degree and the computation may be quite slow. h is defined by divisor pullback corresponding to the function field inclusion K(E) -> K(C) followed by the trace from K down to k.

If the user prefers to have C and h returned as in case ii), even when C is hyperelliptic, the parameter HyperellipticImage should be set to false.

The third argument c is a parameter to specify the precise data for the descent. If r = surd(1/j(E)) and b = r/c, the function field K(E) is isomorphic to the degree 2 extension of the rational function field K(x) with equation

y2 + y = c/x + a2(E) + bx

and it is this Artin-Schreier extension that is used for the GHS descent as explained in the above references.

It is possible to work directly with function fields, if preferred, using the function WeilDescent. However this function produces a divisor map between function fields, not curves, and does not give the divisor class map in case i) above.

The genus of C and its degree are very dependent on the choice of c. For a description of how to choose a good c for given E and k, see sections {b VIII.2.4} and {b VIII.2.5} in the chapter by Heß cited in the introduction.

We merely note here that c ∈k or b ∈k leads to a hyperelliptic C, though this may have very large genus and other choices, giving non-hyperelliptic curves, may be better.

WeilDescentGenus(E,k,c) : FldFun, FldFin, FldFinElt -> RngIntElt
Returns the genus of the Weil descent curve C produced by WeilDescent for input E, k, c.
WeilDescentDegree(E,k,c) : FldFun, FldFin, FldFinElt -> RngIntElt
Returns the degree in the second variable of the plane Weil descent curve C produced by WeilDescent for input E, k, c.

Example CrvEllFldFin_ec_weil_desc (H117E9)

The following example is similar to one from the article of F. Heß referred to above. E is defined over F_(2155) and C is a hyperelliptic curve of genus 31 over F_(25).

> K<w> := FiniteField(2,155);
> k := FiniteField(2,5);
> Embed(k, K);
> b :=  w^154 + w^152 + w^150 + w^146 + w^143 + w^142 + w^141 + 
>    w^139 + w^138 + w^137 + w^136 + w^134 + w^133 + w^132 + w^131 + 
>    w^127 + w^125 + w^123 + w^121 + w^117 + w^116 + w^115 + w^112 + 
>    w^111 + w^109 + w^108 + w^107 + w^105 + w^104 + w^102 + w^101 + 
>    w^100 + w^99 + w^98 + w^97 + w^95 + w^90 + w^89 + w^88 + w^85 + 
>    w^83 + w^81 + w^80 + w^79 + w^78 + w^76 + w^75 + w^73 + w^72 +
>    w^69 + w^68 + w^62 + w^61 + w^59 + w^54 + w^52 + w^47 + w^45 + 
>    w^44 + w^43 + w^40 + w^39 + w^37 + w^36 + w^34 + w^32 + w^31 + 
>    w^25 + w^15 + w^13 + w^10 + w^8 + w^7 + w^6;
> E := EllipticCurve([K|1, 0, 0, b, 0]);
> C,div_map := WeilDescent(E,k,K!1);
> C;
Hyperelliptic Curve defined by y^2 + (k.1^16*x^32 + k.1^27*x^8 + k.1^2*x^4 +
    k.1^29*x^2 + k.1^30*x + k.1^20)*y = k.1^30*x^32 + k.1^10*x^8 + k.1^16*x^4 +
    k.1^12*x^2 + k.1^13*x + k.1^3 over GF(2^5)
> ptE := Points(E,w^2)[1];
> ord := Order(ptE); ord;
> ptJ := div_map(ptE); // point on Jacobian(C)
> // check that order ptJ on J = order ptE on E
> J := Jacobian(C);
> ord*ptJ eq J!0;
> [(ord div p[1])*ptJ eq J!0 : p in Factorization(ord)];
[ false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false ]

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Version: V2.17 of Wed Dec 8 14:24:27 EST 2010