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Constructing Groups of Lie Type


Split Groups

The following optional parameters are common to most of the intrinsics described in this section:

var Normalising: BoolElt Default: true The flag Normalising determines whether elements will be automatically converted to Bruhat form. This flag is automatically set to false if the group is defined over a nonfield.

var Isogeny: BoolElt Default: "Ad" var Signs: Any Default: 1

The optional parameters Isogeny and Signs can take the values described in Section Constructing Root Data.

var Method: MonStgElt Default: "Default"

The method to be used for operations with unipotent elements. See [CHM08] for more details on the algorithms. Possible values are

"CollectionFromLeft" uses collection from left.
"CollectionFromOutside" uses collection from outside.
"Classical" uses formulas for classical types [CHM08]. This is only available for groups defined over a sparse (classical) root datum.
"Collection" will choose the best of the above methods automatically.
"SymbolicFromLeft" uses Hall polynomials, which are computed using collection from left.
"SymbolicFromOutside" uses Hall polynomials, which are computed using collection from outside.
"SymbolicClassical" uses Hall polynomials, which are computed by formulas. This is only available for groups defined over a sparse (classical) root datum.
"Symbolic" will choose the best symbolic method automatically.
"Default" will choose the best of all above methods automatically.
GroupOfLieType(N, k) : MonStgElt, Rng -> GrpLie
    Isogeny: BoolElt                    Default: "Ad"
    Signs: Any                          Default: 1
    Normalising: BoolElt                Default: true
    Method: MonStgElt                   Default: "Default"
Construct the group of Lie type with Cartan name given by the string N (see Section Finite and Affine Coxeter Groups) over the ring k.
GroupOfLieType(N, q) : MonStgElt, RngIntElt -> GrpLie
    Isogeny: BoolElt                    Default: "Ad"
    Signs: Any                          Default: 1
    Normalising: BoolElt                Default: true
    Method: MonStgElt                   Default: "Default"
Construct the group of Lie type with Cartan name given by the string N (see Section Finite and Affine Coxeter Groups) over the finite field of order q.
GroupOfLieType(W, k) : GrpPermCox, Rng -> GrpLie
GroupOfLieType(W, k) : GrpMat, Rng -> GrpLie
    Normalising: BoolElt                Default: true
    Method: MonStgElt                   Default: "Default"
Construct the group of Lie type with Weyl group W over the ring k. The group W must be a finite Coxeter group, given either as a permutation group or as a reflection group.
GroupOfLieType(W, q) : GrpPermCox, RngIntElt -> GrpLie
GroupOfLieType(W, q) : GrpMat, RngIntElt -> GrpLie
    Normalising: BoolElt                Default: true
    Method: MonStgElt                   Default: "Default"
Construct the group of Lie type with Weyl group W over the finite field of order q. The group W must be a finite Coxeter group, given either as a permutation group or as a reflection group.
GroupOfLieType(R, k) : RootDtm, Rng -> GrpLie
    Normalising: BoolElt                Default: true
    Method: MonStgElt                   Default: "Default"
Construct the group of Lie type with root datum R over the ring k.
GroupOfLieType(R, q) : RootDtm, RngIntElt -> GrpLie
    Normalising: BoolElt                Default: true
    Method: MonStgElt                   Default: "Default"
Construct the group of Lie type with root datum R over the finite field of order q.
GroupOfLieType(C, k) : Mtrx, Rng -> GrpLie
GroupOfLieType(D, k) : GrphDir, Rng -> GrpLie
    Isogeny: BoolElt                    Default: "Ad"
    Signs: Any                          Default: 1
    Normalising: BoolElt                Default: true
    Method: MonStgElt                   Default: "Default"
Construct the group of Lie type with Cartan matrix C or Dynkin digraph D, over the ring k.
GroupOfLieType(C, q) : Mtrx, RngIntElt -> GrpLie
GroupOfLieType(D, q) : GrphDir, RngIntElt -> GrpLie
    Isogeny: BoolElt                    Default: "Ad"
    Signs: Any                          Default: 1
    Normalising: BoolElt                Default: true
    Method: MonStgElt                   Default: "Default"
Construct the group of Lie type with Cartan matrix C or Dynkin digraph D, over the finite field of order q.
SimpleGroupOfLieType(X, n, k) : MonStgElt, RngIntElt, Rng -> GrpLie
    Isogeny: BoolElt                    Default: "Ad"
    Signs: Any                          Default: 1
    Normalising: BoolElt                Default: true
    Method: MonStgElt                   Default: "Default"
Construct the simple group of Lie type with Cartan name Xn over the ring k, where the Cartan name is given by the string X and integer n (see also Section Finite and Affine Coxeter Groups).
SimpleGroupOfLieType(X, n, q) : MonStgElt, RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> GrpLie
    Isogeny: BoolElt                    Default: "Ad"
    Signs: Any                          Default: 1
    Normalising: BoolElt                Default: true
    Method: MonStgElt                   Default: "Default"
Construct the simple group of Lie type with name Xn over the finite field of order q, where the Cartan name is given by the string X and integer n (see also Section Finite and Affine Coxeter Groups).
GroupOfLieType(L) : AlgLie -> GrpLie
The group of Lie type corresponding to the Lie algebra L. The Lie algebra must be the algebraic (i.e., it must correspond to some group), and Magma must be able to determine that it is algebraic.
IsNormalising(G) : GrpLie -> BoolElt
Returns the value of the flag Normalising of the group of Lie type G.

Example GrpLie_Create (H103E1)

> G := GroupOfLieType("E8", 2);
> G;
G: Group of Lie type E8 over Finite field of size 2

Galois Cohomology

If G is a linear algebraic group defined over the field k and L is the algebraic closure of k, then the group Γ:= Gal(L:k) acts on G in the usual way and G becomes a Γ-group in the sense of the Section Finite Group Cohomology and Aut(G), the group of algebraic automorphisms of G also becomes a Γ-group.

Now the twisted forms of G are in one-to-one correspondence to the 1-cocycles of Γon Aut(G) and the forms are conjugate if and only if the cocycles are cohomologous.

For practical purposes it is sufficient to compute the cohomology of Gal(K:k) on AutK(G) for some finite Galois field extension of k, where AutK(G) is the group of K-algebraic automorphisms of G.

These functions are based on [Hal05].

GammaGroup(k, G) : Fld, GrpLie -> GGrp
Returns the group of Lie type G as a Γ-group with Γ=Gal(K:k), where K is the base field of G. The field k must be a subfield of K.
GammaGroup(k, A) : Fld, GrpLieAuto -> GGrp
Returns the group A = AutK(G) of automorphisms of the group of Lie type G as a Γ-group with Γ=Gal(K:k), where K is the base field of G. The field k must be a subfield of K.
ActingGroup(G) : GrpLie -> Grp, Map
ActingGroup(A) : GrpLieAuto -> Grp, Map
Given the group of Lie type G or the group A of its automorphisms as a Γ-group, return Γ=Gal(K:k) together with the map m from the abstract Galois group Γinto the set of field automorphisms, such that m(γ) is the actual field automorphism for every γ∈Γ.
ExtendGaloisCocycle(c) : OneCoC -> OneCoC
    GBAl: MonStgElt                     Default: "Walk"
    Printeqs: BoolElt                   Default: false
The analogue to ExtendCocycle. Given a cocycle c in H1(Γ, A/A0), where A = AutK(G) and Γ=Gal(K:k), extend the cocycle to a cocycle in H1(Γ, A). The optional parameter GBAl can be used to set the algorithm used for computing the Gr{öbner bases. The parameter Printeqs may be used to print out the polynomials whose Gr{öbner bases are computed. The current implementation only works for finite fields.
GaloisCohomology(A) : GGrp -> SeqEnum
    GBAl: MonStgElt                     Default: "Walk"
    Printeqs: BoolElt                   Default: false
    Recompute: BoolElt                  Default: false
Computes the Galois cohomology H1(Γ, AutK(G)), where A is the automorphism group of G as a Γ-group returned by GammaGroup and Γ=Gal(K:k). The optional parameter GBAl can be used to set the algorithm used for computing the Gr{öbner bases. The parameter Printeqs may be used to print out the polynomials whose Gr{öbner bases are computed. And Recompute may be used to recompute the Galois cohomology. The current implementation only works for finite fields.
IsInTwistedForm(x, c) : GrpLieElt, OneCoC -> BoolElt
Returns true if and only if the element x of a group of Lie type is contained in the twisted form of its parent defined by the cocycle c.

Example GrpLie_GalCohom (H103E2)

Compute the Galois cohomology of A3(52):

> q := 5;
> k := GF(q);
> K := GF(q^2);
> G := GroupOfLieType( "A3", K : Isogeny:="SC" );
> A := AutomorphismGroup(G);
> AGRP := GammaGroup( k, A );
> Gamma,m := ActingGroup(AGRP);
> Gamma;
Symmetric group Gamma acting on a set of cardinality 2
Order = 2
    (1, 2)
> m;
Mapping from: GrpPerm: Gamma to Set of all maps from GF(5^2) to GF(5^2)
given by a rule [no inverse]
> action  := GammaAction(AGRP);
> time GaloisCohomology(AGRP);
        defined by [
        Automorphism of $: Group of Lie type A3 over Finite field of size 5^2
        given by: Mapping from: $: Group of Lie type  to $: Group of Lie type
        Composition of Mapping from: $: Group of Lie type  to $: Group of
        Lie type  given by a rule and
        Mapping from: $: Group of Lie type  to $: Group of Lie type 
        given by a rule
          Mapping from: GF(5^2) to GF(5^2)
        Composition of Mapping from: GF(5^2) to GF(5^2) given by a rule and
        Mapping from: GF(5^2) to GF(5^2) given by a rule,
        defined by [
        Automorphism of $: Group of Lie type A3 over Finite field of size 5^2
        given by: Mapping from: $: Group of Lie type  to $: Group of Lie type
        Composition of Mapping from: $: Group of Lie type  to $: Group of
        Lie type  given by a rule and
        Mapping from: $: Group of Lie type  to $: Group of Lie type 
        given by a rule
          Mapping from: GF(5^2) to GF(5^2)
        Composition of Mapping from: GF(5^2) to GF(5^2) given by a rule and
        Mapping from: GF(5^2) to GF(5^2) given by a rule,
          (1, 3),
Time: 0.470
Now create the trivial cocycle:

> TrivialOneCocycle( AGRP );
defined by [
Automorphism of $: Group of Lie type A3 over Finite field of size 5^2
given by: Mapping from: $: Group of Lie type  to $: Group of Lie type 
given by a rule
  Mapping from: GF(5^2) to GF(5^2) given by a rule,
And now the cocycle defining the group ()2A3(5) and check for two elements if they are contained in ()2A3(5):

> c := OneCocycle( AGRP, [GraphAutomorphism(G, Sym(3)!(1,3))] );
> x := Random(G);
> IsInTwistedForm( x, c );
> x := elt< G | <1,y>, <3,y @ m(Gamma.1)> > where y is Random(K);
> IsInTwistedForm( x, c );

Twisted Groups

The description of the twisted groups of Lie type is based on the extended root data, as described in the Section Extended Root Data. These functions are mainly based on [Hal05].

TwistedGroupOfLieType(c) : OneCoC -> GrpLie
Given the cocycle c on the group of automorphisms of a split group of Lie type G, return the twisted form of G, defined by that cocycle.
TwistedGroupOfLieType(R, k, K) : RootDtm, Rng, Rng-> GrpLie
TwistedGroupOfLieType(R, k, K) : RootDtm, RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> GrpLie
    Normalising: BoolElt                Default: true
    Method: MonStgElt                   Default: "Default"
The twisted group of Lie type defined over the field k with coefficients in the field K corresponding to the twisted root datum R.
BaseRing(G) : GrpLie -> Rng
CoefficientRing(G) : GrpLie -> Rng
The coefficient ring of the (twisted) group of Lie type G, that is the base ring of the untwisted overgroup of G.
DefRing(G) : GrpLie -> Rng
The ring over which the (twisted) group of Lie type G is defined. If G is split, this is the same as the base ring of G.
UntwistedOvergroup(G) : GrpLie -> GrpLie
The untwisted overgroup, inside which the twisted group of Lie type G was constructed.

Example GrpLie_TwistedGrpLieType (H103E3)

The twisted group ()2A3(5) as a subgroup of A3(52).

> R := RootDatum("A3" : Twist := 2);
> G := TwistedGroupOfLieType(R,5,25);
> G;
G: Twisted group of Lie type 2A3,2 over GF(5) with entries over GF(5^2)
> BaseRing(G);
Finite field of size 5^2
> DefRing(G);
Finite field of size 5
> UntwistedOvergroup(G);
Group of Lie type A3 over GF(5^2)

RelativeRootElement(G,delta,t) : GrpLie, RngIntElt, [FldElt] -> GrpLieElt
The relative root element corresponding to the relative root δof the twisted group of Lie type G and the field elements given by the sequence t. This is the element uδ(t) in [Hal05, (4.5)].

Example GrpLie_RelativeRootElts (H103E4)

Here we create the same group as in the previous example, but using a cocycle.

> q := 5; k := GF(q); K := GF(q^2);
> G := GroupOfLieType( "A3", K );
> A := AutomorphismGroup(G);
> AGRP := GammaGroup( k, A );
> c := OneCocycle( AGRP, [GraphAutomorphism(G, Sym(3)!(1,3))] );
> T := TwistedGroupOfLieType(c);
> T eq TwistedGroupOfLieType(RootDatum("A3":Twist:=2),k,K);
> G eq UntwistedOvergroup(T);
> x := Random(G); x in T;
> x := RelativeRootElement(T,2,[Random(K)]); x;
x1($.1^22) x3($.1^14)
> x in T;

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