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Creation of Structures

DivisorGroup(F) : FldFun -> DivFun
Create the group of divisors of the algebraic function field F/k.

Creation of Elements

Divisor(P) : PlcFunElt -> DivFunElt
Div ! P : DivFun, PlcFunElt -> DivFunElt
1 * P : PlcFunElt -> DivFunElt
Given a place P in a function field, return the prime divisor 1 * P.
Div ! a : DivFun, RngElt -> DivFunElt
Divisor(a) : FldFunElt -> DivFunElt
Divisor(a) : RngFunOrdElt -> DivFunElt
Given an algebraic function a, return the principal divisor (a).
Div ! I : DivFun, RngFunOrdIdl -> DivFunElt
Divisor(I) : RngFunOrdIdl -> DivFunElt
The divisor corresponding to the factorization of the ideal I.
Divisor(I, J) : RngFunOrdIdl, RngFunOrdIdl -> DivFunElt
The divisor corresponding to the ideal factorization of the ideals I and J belonging to the `finite' and `infinite' maximal order.
Identity(G) : DivFun -> DivFunElt
Id(G) : DivFun -> DivFunElt
Given the group G of divisors of a function field, return the zero divisor.
CanonicalDivisor(F) : FldFunG -> DivFunElt
A canonical divisor of the function field F/k.
DifferentDivisor(F) : FldFunG -> DivFunElt
The different divisor of the underlying extension of the function field F/k(x).
AssignNames(~D, s) : DivFunElt, [ MonStgElt ] ->
Change the print name employed when displaying D to be the contents of s which must have length 1 in this case.

Related Structures

Parent and Category

The group of divisors form the Magma category DivFun. The notional power structure exists as parent but allows no operations.

FunctionField(G) : DivFun -> FldFun
Given the group G of divisors of a function field F/k, return F.
Places(F) : FldFun -> PlcFun
The set of places of the algebraic function field F/k.

Structure Invariants

NumberOfSmoothDivisors(n, m, P) : RngIntElt, RngIntElt, SeqEnum[RngElt] -> RngElt
The number of effective divisors of degree less equal n who consist of places of degree less equal m only. The sequence element P[i] contains the (generic) number of places of degree 1 ≤i ≤min { n, m }. The formula used is described in [Heß99].
DivisorOfDegreeOne(F) : FldFunG -> DivFunElt
A divisor of degree one over the exact constant field of the global function field F/k.

Structure Predicates

Div1 eq Div2 : DivFun, DivFun -> BoolElt
Div1 ne Div2 : DivFun, DivFun -> BoolElt

Element Operations

Arithmetic Operators
- D : DivFunElt -> DivFunElt

D1 + D2 : DivFunElt, DivFunElt -> DivFunElt
D1 - D2 : DivFunElt, DivFunElt -> DivFunElt
k * D : RngIntElt, DivFunElt -> DivFunElt
D div k : DivFunElt, RngIntElt -> DivFunElt
D mod k : DivFunElt, RngIntElt -> DivFunElt

P + D : PlcFunElt, DivFunElt -> DivFunElt
D + P : DivFunElt, PlcFunElt -> DivFunElt
D - P : DivFunElt, PlcFunElt -> DivFunElt
P - D : PlcFunElt, DivFunElt -> DivFunElt

Quotrem(D, k) : DivFunElt, RngIntElt -> DivFunElt, DivFunElt
Returns divisors D1, D2 such that the divisor D = kD1 + D2 and the exponents in D2 are of absolute value less than |k|. The operations div and mod yield D1 resp. D2.
GCD(D1, D2) : DivFunElt, DivFunElt -> DivFunElt
Gcd(D1, D2) : DivFunElt, DivFunElt -> DivFunElt
GreatestCommonDivisor(D1, D2) : DivFunElt, DivFunElt -> DivFunElt
The greatest common divisor of the divisors D1 and D2.
LCM(D1, D2) : DivFunElt, DivFunElt -> DivFunElt
Lcm(D1, D2) : DivFunElt, DivFunElt -> DivFunElt
LeastCommonMultiple(D1, D2) : DivFunElt, DivFunElt -> DivFunElt
The least common multiple of the divisors D1 and D2.
Equality, Comparison and Membership

D1 eq D2 : DivFunElt, DivFunElt -> BoolElt
D1 ne D2 : DivFunElt, DivFunElt -> BoolElt
D1 le D2 : DivFunElt, DivFunElt -> BoolElt
D1 lt D2 : DivFunElt, DivFunElt -> BoolElt
D1 ge D2 : DivFunElt, DivFunElt -> BoolElt
D1 gt D2 : DivFunElt, DivFunElt -> BoolElt
D in Div : DivFunElt, DivFun -> BoolElt
D notin Div : DivFunElt, DivFun -> BoolElt
Predicates on Elements
IsZero(D) : DivFunElt -> BoolElt

IsEffective(D) : DivFunElt -> BoolElt
IsPositive(D) : DivFunElt -> BoolElt

IsSpecial(D) : DivFunElt -> BoolElt
IsPrincipal(D) : DivFunElt -> BoolElt, FldFunElt
IsCanonical(D) : DivFunElt -> BoolElt, DiffFunElt
Returns true iff the divisor D is canonical and a differential having D as its divisor.

Example FldFunG_divisors-simple_rel (H42E35)

We show some simple creations and operations on divisors.

> PF<x> := PolynomialRing(GF(13, 2));
> P<y> := PolynomialRing(PF);
> FF1<b> := ext<FieldOfFractions(PF) | y^2 - x>;
> P<y> := PolynomialRing(FF1);
> FF2<d> := ext<FF1 | y^3 - b>;
> CanonicalDivisor(FF2);
Complementary divisor of Divisor in ideal representation:
Ideal of Maximal Equation Order of FF2 over Maximal Equation Order of FF1 over 
Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over GF(13^2)
1, Fractional ideal of Maximal Order of FF2 over Maximal Equation Order of FF1 
over Valuation ring of Univariate rational function field over GF(13^2) with 
generator 1/x
> IsCanonical($1);
> D := Divisor(b) + Divisor(d);
> E := Divisor(Random(FF2, 2)*MaximalOrderFinite(FF2), 
> Random(FF2, 2)*MaximalOrderInfinite(FF2));
> d := D + E;
> d;
Divisor in reduced representation: 
Dtilde :
Divisor in ideal representation:
Fractional ideal of Maximal Equation Order of FF2 over Maximal Equation Order of
FF1 over Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over GF(13^2)
Pseudo-matrix over Maximal Equation Order of FF1 over Univariate Polynomial Ring
in x over GF(13^2)
Ideal of Maximal Equation Order of FF1 over Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over
1 * ( 1 0 0 ) 
Ideal of Maximal Equation Order of FF1 over Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over
1 * ( 0 1 0 ) 
Fractional ideal of Maximal Equation Order of FF1 over Univariate Polynomial 
Ring in x over GF(13^2)
($.1^137*x^12 + $.1^80*x^11 + $.1^22*x^10 + $.1^79*x^9 + $.1^88*x^8 + 
   $.1^138*x^7 + $.1^130*x^6 + $.1^127*x^5 + $.1^163*x^4 + $.1^78*x^3 + 6*x^2 +
   $.1^41*x + $.1^146)/(x^12 + $.1^166*x^11 + $.1^50*x^10 + $.1^136*x^9 + 
   $.1^32*x^8 + $.1^46*x^7 + $.1^134*x^6 + $.1^64*x^5 + 8*x^4 + $.1^93*x^3 + 
   $.1^153*x^2 + $.1^162*x)*b + ($.1^24*x + $.1^153)/(x^11 + $.1^166*x^10 + 
   $.1^50*x^9 + $.1^136*x^8 + $.1^32*x^7 + $.1^46*x^6 + $.1^134*x^5 + 
   $.1^64*x^4 + 8*x^3 + $.1^93*x^2 + $.1^153*x + $.1^162) * ( $.1^161*x^11 + 
   $.1^74*x^10 + $.1^145*x^9 + $.1^72*x^8 + $.1^122*x^7 + $.1^123*x^6 + 3*x^5 +
   $.1^133*x^4 + 2*x^3 + $.1^105*x^2 + $.1^102*x $.1^48*x^11 + $.1^82*x^10 + 
   4*x^9 + $.1^102*x^8 + $.1^145*x^7 + $.1^118*x^6 + $.1^129*x^5 + $.1^102*x^4 
   + $.1^138*x^3 + $.1^146*x^2 + $.1^134*x 1 ) , Ideal of Maximal Order of FF2 
over Maximal Equation Order of FF1 over Valuation ring of Univariate rational 
function field over GF(13^2) with generator 1/x
Pseudo-matrix over Maximal Equation Order of FF1 over Valuation ring of 
Univariate rational function field over GF(13^2) with generator 1/x
Ideal of Maximal Equation Order of FF1 over Valuation ring of Univariate 
rational function field over GF(13^2) with generator 1/x
1/x^2 * ( 1 0 0 ) 
Ideal of Maximal Equation Order of FF1 over Valuation ring of Univariate 
rational function field over GF(13^2) with generator 1/x
($.1^21*x^3 + $.1^86*x^2 + $.1^151*x + $.1^48)/x^6*b + $.1^79/x^3 * ( 0 1 0 ) 
Ideal of Maximal Equation Order of FF1 over Valuation ring of Univariate 
rational function field over GF(13^2) with generator 1/x
1/x^3*b * ( 0 0 1 ) ,
r : 0,
A :
Divisor in ideal representation:
Ideal of Maximal Equation Order of FF2 over Maximal Equation Order of FF1 over 
Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over GF(13^2)
1, Fractional ideal of Maximal Order of FF2 over Maximal Equation Order of FF1 
over Valuation ring of Univariate rational function field over GF(13^2) with 
generator 1/x
a : 
(x)^-1 * (b)
A nicer (but potentially more expensive) way to print, would be to ensure the divisor had a representation as a linear combination of places and exponents.

> p, e := Support(d);
> d;
4*(x, (($.1^24*x + 9)*b + ($.1^133*x + $.1^117))*d^2 + (($.1^83*x + $.1^36)*b +
    ($.1^97*x + $.1^2))*d + ($.1^101*x + $.1^165)*b + $.1^108*x) + (x + $.1^102,
    (($.1^141*x + $.1^113)*b + ($.1^157*x + $.1^48))*d^2 + (($.1^94*x + $.1^92)*b
    + ($.1^167*x + $.1^79))*d + ($.1^36*x + $.1^85)*b + $.1^18*x + 6) + (x^2 +
    $.1^47*x + 8, (($.1^19*x^3 + $.1^155*x^2 + $.1^75*x + $.1^106)*b + (8*x^3 +
    $.1^131*x^2 + $.1^125*x + $.1^46))*d^2 + (($.1^86*x^3 + $.1^11*x^2 +
    $.1^141)*b + ($.1^94*x^3 + $.1^127*x^2 + 6*x + $.1^57))*d + ($.1^68*x^3 +
    $.1^82*x^2 + $.1^52*x + $.1^69)*b + $.1^95*x^3 + $.1^55*x^2 + $.1^30*x +
    $.1) + (x^8 + $.1^138*x^7 + $.1^91*x^6 + $.1^59*x^5 + $.1^25*x^4 +
    $.1^74*x^3 + 6*x^2 + $.1^153*x + 5, (($.1^86*x^10 + 12*x^9 + $.1^5*x^8 +
    $.1^7*x^7 + $.1^123*x^6 + $.1^8*x^5 + $.1^77*x^4 + $.1^43*x^3 + $.1^110*x^2
    + $.1^124*x + $.1^51)*b + ($.1^78*x^9 + $.1^105*x^8 + $.1^153*x^7 + 6*x^6 +
    $.1^142*x^5 + $.1^152*x^4 + $.1^54*x^3 + $.1^9*x^2 + $.1^43*x + $.1^37))*d^2
    + (($.1^63*x^10 + $.1^125*x^9 + $.1^156*x^8 + $.1^44*x^7 + $.1^27*x^6 +
    $.1^127*x^5 + $.1^160*x^4 + $.1^46*x^3 + 9*x^2 + 8*x + $.1^37)*b +
    ($.1^99*x^10 + $.1^119*x^9 + $.1^103*x^8 + $.1^25*x^7 + $.1*x^6 +
    $.1^114*x^5 + $.1^133*x^4 + $.1^34*x^3 + $.1^4*x^2 + $.1^40*x + $.1^71))*d +
    ($.1^86*x^10 + $.1^7*x^9 + $.1^142*x^8 + 4*x^7 + $.1^161*x^6 + 2*x^5 +
    $.1^17*x^4 + $.1^50*x^3 + $.1^100*x^2 + $.1^144*x + $.1^12)*b + $.1^31*x^10
    + $.1^40*x^9 + 8*x^8 + 9*x^7 + $.1^39*x^6 + $.1^120*x^5 + $.1^114*x^4 +
    $.1^116*x^3 + $.1^43*x^2 + $.1^103*x + $.1^93) - 15*(1/x, (($.1^114*x^2 +
    $.1^96*x + 12)/x^3*b + ($.1^153*x^2 + 4*x + 12)/x^3)*d^2 + (($.1^17*x^2 +
    $.1^124*x + 12)/x^3*b + ($.1^159*x^2 + $.1^124*x + 12)/x^3)*d + ($.1^159*x^2
    + 6*x + 12)/x^3*b + ($.1^21*x + 12)/x^2)
> g := GCD(D, E);
> l := LCM(D, E);
> g + l eq d;
> g le D;
> l ge E;

Other Element Operations
FunctionField(D) : DivFunElt -> FldFun
Given a divisor D, return the function field.
Degree(D) : DivFunElt -> RngIntElt
The degree of the divisor D over k, the constant field of definition.
Support(D) : DivFunElt -> [ PlcFunElt ]
A sequence containing the places occurring in the divisor D.
Numerator(D) : DivFunElt -> DivFunElt
ZeroDivisor(D) : DivFunElt -> DivFunElt
The numerator of the divisor D.
Denominator(D) : DivFunElt -> DivFunElt
PoleDivisor(D) : DivFunElt -> DivFunElt
The denominator of the divisor D.
Ideals(D) : DivFunElt -> RngFunOrdIdl, RngFunOrdIdl
Create two ideals of the `finite' and `infinite' maximal order respectively corresponding to the divisor D.
Norm(D) : DivFunElt -> DivFunElt
The divisor of the norms of the ideals of the divisor D.
FiniteSplit(D) : DivFunElt -> DivFunElt, DivFunElt
FiniteDivisor(D) : DivFunElt -> DivFunElt
InfiniteDivisor(D) : DivFunElt -> DivFunElt
Split the divisor D into its finite and infinite part, returning either 2 divisors which are the sum of the finite places in D and the sum of the infinite places in D or the appropriate one of these.
Dimension(D) : DivFunElt -> RngIntElt
The dimension of the Riemann-Roch space ( L)(D) of the divisor D over k, the constant field of definition.
IndexOfSpeciality(D) : DivFunElt -> RngIntElt
The index of speciality of the divisor D, which equals the dimension of ( L)(W - D) where W is a canonical divisor.
ShortBasis(D : parameters) : DivFunElt -> [RngElt], [RngIntElt]
    Reduction: BoolElt                  Default: true
    Simplification: MonStgElt           Default: "Full"
Compute a basis for the Riemann-Roch space of D in short form:

Let F = k(x, y) be an algebraic function field defined by f(x, y)=0 over k. Given a divisor D of F/k this function returns a basis of the k-vector space ( L)(D) = { a ∈F x | (a) ≥ - D } ∪{ 0 } in the short form B = [ b1 ..., bn ], [ d1, ..., dn ] with bi ∈F x and di ∈Z for all 1 ≤i ≤n, where n denotes the degree in y of the defining equation f of F, such that ( L)(D) = { ∑i=1n λi bi | λi ∈k[x] ( with deg ) λi ≤di ( for ) 1 ≤i ≤n }.

The optional argument Reduction controls whether to use divisor reduction internally or not; it defaults to true. For small divisors this is sometimes faster.

The optional argument Simplification controls whether the resulting basis is simplified or not; it defaults to "Full". Simplification sometimes is not insignificantly expensive and can be avoided by setting the parameter to "None".

The algorithm is described in [Heß99].

Basis(D : parameters) : DivFunElt -> [ FldFunElt ]
    Reduction: BoolElt                  Default: true
    Simplification: MonStgElt           Default: "Full"
A sequence containing a basis of the Riemann-Roch space ( L)(D), for the divisor D.

The optional argument Reduction controls whether to use divisor reduction internally or not; it defaults to true. For small divisors this is sometimes faster.

The optional argument Simplification controls whether the resulting basis is simplified or not; it defaults to "Full". Simplification sometimes is not insignificantly expensive and can be avoided by setting the parameter to "None".

RiemannRochSpace(D) : DivFunElt -> ModFld, Map
RiemannRochSpace(P) : PlcFunElt -> ModFld, Map
Given a function field F/k and a divisor D belonging to F/k, return a vector space V and a k-linear mapping h: V -> F such that V is isomorphic to the Riemann-Roch space ( L)(D) ⊂F under h.
Valuation(D, P) : DivFunElt, PlcFunElt -> RngIntElt
The exponent of the place P in the divisor D.
Reduction(D) : DivFunElt -> DivFunElt, RngIntElt, DivFunElt, FldFunElt
Reduction(D, A) : DivFunElt, DivFunElt -> DivFunElt, RngIntElt, DivFunElt, FldFunElt
Let D be a divisor. Denote the result of both functions by tilde(D), r, A and a (for the second function the input A always equals the output A). The divisor A has (must have) positive degree and the following holds:
D = tilde(D) + rA - (a),
tilde(D) ≥0 and deg(tilde(D)) < g + deg(A) (over the exact constant field),
tilde(D) has minimal degree among all such divisors satisfying (i), (ii).
GapNumbers(D, P) : DivFunElt, PlcFunElt -> SeqEnum[RngIntElt]
The sequence of gap numbers of the divisor D at P where P must be a place of degree one:

Let F/k be an algebraic function field, D a divisor and P a place of degree one. An integer m ≥1 is a gap number of D at P if dim bigl( D + (m - 1)P bigr) = dim(D + mP) holds. The gap numbers m of D satisfy 1 ≤m ≤2g - 1 - deg(D) and their cardinality equals the index of speciality i(D). GapNumbers(D, P) returns such a particular sequence. The sequences of gap numbers of D at various P are independent of constant field extensions for perfect k and are the same for all but a finite number of places P of degree one (consider e.g. k algebraically closed). If P is omitted in the function call, this uniform sequence is returned by GapNumbers(D). The places P where D has different sequences of gap numbers are called Weierstraß places of D and are returned by WeierstrassPlaces(D). In the above mentioned functions it is equivalent to replace D by either F or the zero divisor.

GapNumbers(D) : DivFunElt -> SeqEnum[RngIntElt]
    SeparatingElement: FldFunGElt       Default: 
separating element used internally for the computation can be specified, it defaults to SeparatingElement(F). See the description of GapNumbers.

Example FldFunG_divisors (H42E36)

Consider the function field F defined by the curve of genus 7 defined by

y4 + (2 * x5 + x4 + 2 * x3 + x2) * y2 + x8 + 2 * x6 + x5 + x4 + x3 + x2

We construct the function field F/GF(9) and compute the Riemann-Roch space corresponding to a certain divisor.

> k<w> := GF(9);
> R<x> := FunctionField(k);
> P<y> := PolynomialRing(R);
> f := y^4 + (2*x^5 + x^4 + 2*x^3 + x^2)*y^2 + x^8 
>      + 2*x^6 + x^5 +x^4 + x^3 + x^2;
> F<a> := FunctionField(f);
> Genus(F);
> P1 := RandomPlace(F, 1);
> P2 := RandomPlace(F, 1);
> D := P1 - P2;
> D;
(1/x, w^7/x^7*a^3 + w^5/x^5*a^2 + w^3/x^2*a + w) - (x, 2/(x^4 + x^2 + 2*x)*a^3 +
    w^3/x*a^2 + (w^5*x^3 + w^3*x + w^7)/(x^3 + x + 2)*a + w^5)
> IsPrincipal(336*D);
> infty := Poles(F!x)[1];
> V, h := RiemannRochSpace(11*infty);
> V;
KModule V of dimension 5 over GF(3^2)
> h;
Mapping from: ModFld: V to FldFun: F
> B := h(Basis(V));                       
> B;
    x/(x^3 + x + 2)*a^3 + (2*x^4 + 2*x^3 + x)/(x^3 + x + 2)*a,
    1/(x^3 + x + 2)*a^3 + (2*x^3 + 2*x^2 + 1)/(x^3 + x + 2)*a,
    a^2 + 2*x^3 + 2*x^2,
    1/x*a^2 + 2*x^2 + 2*x,
> (B[2] + 2*B[3])@@h;
(    0     1     2     0     0)

Example FldFunG_AlgReln1 (H42E37)

As a trivial but illustrative example we consider the algebraic function field generated by sin(x) and cos(x) over Q and construct a single function a(x) such that sin(x) and cos(x) can be expressed in terms of a(x):

> Qc<c> := PolynomialRing(RationalField());
> Qcs<s> := PolynomialRing(Qc);
> F<s> := FunctionField(s^2 + c^2 - 1);
> c := F!c;
> Genus(F);
> Zeros(s);
[ (c - 1, s), (c + 1, s) ]
> Zeros(c-1);
[ (c - 1, s) ]
> P := Zeros(c-1)[1];
> Degree(P);
> Dimension(1*P);
> Basis(1*P);
[ 1/(c - 1)*s, 1 ]
> a := Basis(1*P)[1];
> Degree(a);
> MinimalPolynomial(a);
$.1^2 + (c + 1)/(c - 1)
> (a^2 - 1)/(a^2 + 1);
> a * ((a^2 - 1)/(a^2 + 1) - 1);

Example FldFunG_AlgReln2 (H42E38)

Over Q(i) the familiar identities cos(x) = (exp(ix) + exp( - ix))/2 sin(x) = (exp(ix) - exp( - ix))/(2i). hold. In Magma one can proceed as follows:

> Qx<x> := PolynomialRing(RationalField());
> k<i> := NumberField(x^2 + 1);
> kc<c> := PolynomialRing(k);
> kcs<s> := PolynomialRing(kc);
> F<s> := FunctionField(s^2 + c^2 - 1);
> c := F!c;
> Genus(F);
> e := c + i*s;
> ebar := c - i*s;
> Degree(e);
> c eq (e + ebar) / 2; 
> s eq (e - ebar) / (2*i);

RamificationDivisor(D) : DivFunElt -> DivFunElt
    SeparatingElement: FldFunGElt       Default: 
The ramification divisor of the divisor D (using SeparatingElement for the computation which defaults to SeparatingElement(F) for F/k the function field of D):

Let F/k be an algebraic function field, x a separating variable and D a divisor. The ramification divisor of D is defined to be i(D) ( W - D ) + bigl( Wx(D) bigr) + ν (dx), where W is a canonical divisor of F/k, Wx(D) is the determinant of the Wronksian matrix of D with respect to x and νis the sum of the Wronskian orders of D with respect to x. It is effective and consists of the Weierstraß places of D. The constant field k is required to be exact.

WeierstrassPlaces(D) : DivFunElt -> [PlcFunElt]
    SeparatingElement: FldFunGElt       Default: 
The Weierstrass places of the divisor D (using SeparatingElement for the computation which defaults to SeparatingElement(F) for F/k the function field of D):

Let F/k be an algebraic function field, D a divisor and P a place of degree one. An integer m ≥1 is a gap number of D at P if dim bigl( D + (m - 1)P bigr) = dim(D + mP) holds. The gap numbers m of D at P satisfy 1 ≤m ≤2g - 1 - deg(D) and their cardinality equals the index of speciality i(D). The sequences of gap numbers of D are independent of constant field extensions for perfect k and are the same for all but a finite number of places P of degree one (consider e.g. k algebraically closed). The places P of degree one at which D has different sequences of gap numbers are called Weierstraß places of D.

This function returns a list of all places of F/k (having not necessarily degree one) which are lying below Weierstraß places of D viewed in F bar(k) / bar(k) (k perfect). The constant field k is required to be exact. Note that if the characteristic of F is positive this function is currently quite slow for large genus because of Differentiation().

IsWeierstrassPlace(D, P) : DivFunElt, PlcFunElt -> BoolElt
Given a divisor D and a degree 1 place P of a function field, return whether P is a weierstrass place of D.
WronskianOrders(D) : DivFunElt -> [RngIntElt]
    SeparatingElement: FldFunGElt       Default: 
Let D be a divisor of an algebraic function field F/k with separating element x and let v1, ... vl be a basis of ( L)(D). For the differentiation Dx with respect to x consider the successively smallest ν1 ≤ ... ≤νl ∈Z≥0 such that the rows Dxi)(v1), ..., Dxi)(vl), 1 ≤i ≤l are F-linearly independent. The numbers ν1, ..., νl are the Wronskian orders of D with respect to x and are returned. If D has dimension zero, the empty list is returned. The constant field k is required to be exact.

The separating element can be given by setting the SeparatingElement parameter appropriately.

ComplementaryDivisor(D) : DivFunElt -> DivFunElt
Return the complementary divisor D^# of the divisor D. The function field F/k of D must be a finite extension of a rational function field k(x). The divisor D^# equals Diff(F/k(x)) - D for F the function field of D and Diff(F/k(x)) the different divisor of F/k(x).
DifferentialBasis(D) : DivFunElt -> [DiffFunElt]
A basis of the space of differentials of the divisor D. See DifferentialBasis for details.
DifferentialSpace(D) : DivFunElt -> ModFld, Map
A vector space and the isomorphism from this space to the differential space of the divisor D.
Parametrization(F, D) : FldFun, DivFunElt -> FldFunElt, [FldFunRatUElt]
An element x in F which is a non constant element of the basis of the divisor D having degree one and a sequence of elements L in the rational function field are returned such that x generates the function field F over the constant field and L contains the images of the generators of F over its constant field in the rational function field.

Functions related to Divisor Class Groups of Global Function Fields

Let F/k be a global function field. The group of divisor classes is isomorphic to the product of a copy of Z and the group of divisors classes of degree zero which is a finite abelian group. Magma features an algorithm to compute the divisor class group by computing an abelian group G in the form Z/c1Z x ... x Z/c2gZ x Z with integers c1 | ... | c2g and a surjective homomorphism f: Div(F) -> G from the divisor group to G whose kernel consists precisely of the principal divisors.

The algorithm employed is a randomized index calculus style method of expected subexponential running time for "small" constant field size and "large" genus. A description of this and other algorithms of this section can be found in [Heß99].

Elements in product representation may result from applying the maps returned by some of the computations below. It can be expensive to put these elements into sets and to test them for equality.

ClassGroupGenerationBound(q, g) : RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> RngIntElt
A bound B such that the places of degree (over the exact constant field) less than or equal to B, taken together with the places of a divisor of degree one, generate the whole divisor class group of any global function field of genus g over the exact constant field of q elements.
ClassGroupGenerationBound(F) : FldFunG -> RngIntElt
A bound B such that all places of degree (over the exact constant field) less than or equal to B, taken together with the places of a divisor of degree one, generate the whole divisor class group of the function field F. Particular properties of the function field are taken into account.
ClassNumberApproximation(F, e) : FldFunG, FldReElt -> FldReElt
An approximation of the class number of the global function field F/k with multiplicative error less than 1 + e for e > 0. The formula biggl| log bigl( h / qg bigr) - ∑r=1b q - r/r bigl( Nr - (qr + 1) bigl) biggr| ≤ 2g q - b/2 / bigl( (q1/2 - 1)(b + 1) bigr) is used where Nr denotes the number of places of degree one in the constant field extension of degree r of F/k.
ClassNumberApproximationBound(q, g, e) : RngIntElt, RngIntElt, RngIntElt, -> RngIntElt
Returns an integer B such that all places of degree less than or equal to B of a global function field of genus g over the exact constant field of q elements have to be considered in order to approximate the class number with multiplicative error less than 1 + e for e > 0.
ClassGroup(F : parameters) : FldFun -> GrpAb, Map, Map
    DegreeBound: RngIntElt              Default: 
    SizeBound: RngIntElt                Default: 
    ReductionDivisor: DivFunElt         Default: 
    Proof: BoolElt                      Default: 
The divisor class group of the function field F/k as an abelian group, a map of representatives from the class group to the divisor group and the homomorphism from the divisor group onto the divisor class group.

The optional parameter DegreeBound allows to control the size of the factor basis which consists of all places of degree less equal DegreeBound (plus a small additional amount; the degree is taken over the exact constant field). If not provided the algorithm tries to choose an appropriate value.

The optional parameter SizeBound bounds the size of the factor basis to not exceed SizeBound places. Every time the factor basis has to be enlarged during the computation it will be by no more than SizeBound additional places. If not provided there is no bound on the size of the factor basis. Every enlargement of the factor basis will append all places of the next degree.

The optional parameter ReductionDivisor contains the reduction divisor used in the relation search stage. Reasonable choices are divisors of small positive degree. If not provided the algorithm tries to choose an appropriate reduction divisor.

The optional parameter Proof indicates whether the computed result should be proven in a proof step. If a small degree bound for the factor basis is used and the divisor class group happens to be a product of a large number of cyclic groups the proof step can be very time consuming and Proof := false might be helpful. Once a value is given for Proof it remains the default value until set differently. The initial value of Proof for every function field is true.

ClassGroupAbelianInvariants(F : parameters) : FldFun -> SeqEnum
    DegreeBound: RngIntElt              Default: 
    SizeBound: RngIntElt                Default: 
    ReductionDivisor: DivFunElt         Default: 
    Proof: BoolElt                      Default: 
Computes a sequence of integers containing the Abelian invariants of the divisor class group of the function field F/k.

The optional parameters are the same as for ClassGroup.

ClassNumber(F) : FldFun -> RngIntElt
The order of the group of divisor classes of degree zero of the function field F/k.

Example FldFunG_divisors-class (H42E39)

Some class group calculations :

> Y<t> := PolynomialRing(Integers());
> R<x> := FunctionField(GF(9));
> P<y> := PolynomialRing(R);
> f := y^3 + y + x^5 + x + 1;
> F<alpha> := FunctionField(f);
> ClassNumberApproximation(F, 1.3);
> ClassGroup(F);
Abelian Group isomorphic to Z/13 + Z/13 + Z/13 + Z/13 + Z
Defined on 5 generators
    13*$.1 = 0
    13*$.2 = 0
    13*$.3 = 0
    13*$.4 = 0
Mapping from: Abelian Group isomorphic to Z/13 + Z/13 + Z/13 + Z/13 + Z
Defined on 5 generators
    13*$.1 = 0
    13*$.2 = 0
    13*$.3 = 0
    13*$.4 = 0 to Divisor group of F
Mapping from: Divisor group of F to Abelian Group isomorphic to Z/13 + Z/13 + 
Z/13 + Z/13 + Z
Defined on 5 generators
    13*$.1 = 0
    13*$.2 = 0
    13*$.3 = 0
    13*$.4 = 0 given by a rule
> ClassNumber(F);
> Evaluate(LPolynomial(F), 1);

GlobalUnitGroup(F) : FldFun -> GrpAb, Map
The group of global units of the function field F/k, i. e. the multiplicative group of the exact constant field, as an Abelian group, together with the map into F.
IsGlobalUnit(a) : FldFunElt -> BoolElt
Whether the function field element a is a global unit, i.e. a constant (equivalent to IsConstant).
IsGlobalUnitWithPreimage(a) : FldFunElt -> BoolElt, GrpAbElt
Returns true and the preimage of the function field element a in the global unit group, false otherwise.
PrincipalDivisorMap(F) : FldFunG -> Map
The map from the multiplicative group of the function field to the group of divisors.
ClassGroupExactSequence(F) : FldFunG -> Map, Map, Map
Returns the three maps in the center of the exact sequence 0 -> k x -> F x -> Div -> Cl -> 0 where k x is the global unit group of the function field, F x is the multiplicative group of the function field, Div is the divisor group and Cl is the divisor class group.
SUnitGroup(S) : SetEnum[PlcFunElt] -> GrpAb, Map
The group of S-units as an Abelian group and the map into the function field, where S is a sequence of places of a function field.
IsSUnit(a, S) : FldFunElt, SetEnum[PlcFunElt] -> BoolElt
Returns true if the function field element a is an S-unit for the sequence of places S, false otherwise.
IsSUnitWithPreimage(a, S) : FldFunElt, SetEnum[PlcFunElt] -> BoolElt, GrpAbElt
Returns true and the preimage of the function field element a in the S-unit group if a is an S-unit for the sequence of places S, false otherwise.
SRegulator(S) : SetEnum[PlcFunElt] -> RngIntElt
The S-Regulator for the sequence of places S.
SPrincipalDivisorMap(S) : SetEnum[PlcFunElt] -> Map
The map from the multiplicative group of the function field to the group of divisors (mod places in the sequence S).
IsSPrincipal(D, S) : DivFunElt, SetEnum[PlcFunElt] -> BoolElt, FldFunElt
Returns true and a generator if the divisor D is principal modulo places in the sequence S, false otherwise
SClassGroup(S) : SetEnum[PlcFunElt] -> GrpAb, Map, Map
The S-class group for the sequence of places S as an Abelian group, a map of representatives from the S-class group to the group of divisors (mod places in S) and the homomorphism from the group of divisors (mod places in S) onto the S-class group.
SClassGroupExactSequence(S) : SetEnum[PlcFunElt] -> Map, Map, Map
Returns the three maps in the center of the exact sequence 0 -> U(S) -> F x -> Div(S) -> Cl(S) -> 0 where U(S) is the S-unit group, F x is the multiplicative group of the function field, Div(S) is the group of divisors (mod places in the sequence S) and Cl(S) is the S-class group.
SClassGroupAbelianInvariants(S) : SetEnum[PlcFunElt] -> SeqEnum
Computes a sequence of integers containing the Abelian invariants of the S-class group for the sequence of places S.
SClassNumber(S) : SetEnum[PlcFunElt] -> RngIntElt
The order of the torsion part of the S-class group for the sequence of places S.
ClassGroupPRank(F) : FldFunG -> RngIntElt
Compute the p-rank of the class group of F/k where p is the characteristic of F/k. More precisely: Let F/k be a function field of characteristic p. Consider the subgroup Cl0(F/k)[p] of p-torsion elements of the group of divisor classes of degree zero. This function returns its dimension as an GF(p)-vector space. Possible values range from 0 to g, where g is the genus of F/k. The field k is currently required to be a finite field.
HasseWittInvariant(F) : FldFunG -> RngIntElt
Return the Hasse--Witt invariant of F/k. More precisely: Let F/k be a function field of characteristic p. Let F bar(k) / bar(k) be the constant field extension by the algebraic closure bar(k) of k within an algebraic closure bar(F) of F/k. Consider the subgroup Cl0(F bar(k) / bar(k))[p] of p-torsion elements of the group of divisor classes of degree zero. This function returns its dimension as an GF(p)-vector space. Possible values range from 0 to g, where g is the genus of F/k. k is required to be perfect.
TateLichtenbaumPairing(D1, D2, m) : DivFunElt, DivFunElt, RngIntElt -> RngElt
The Tate--Lichtenbaum pairing Cl0[m] x Cl0/mCl0 -> k for coprime divisors D1 and D2.

Example FldFunG_tate (H42E40)

> k<w> := GF(9);
> R<x> := FunctionField(k);
> P<y> := PolynomialRing(R);
> f := y^4 + (2*x^5 + x^4 + 2*x^3 + x^2)*y^2 +
>             x^8 + 2*x^6 + x^5 + x^4 + x^3 + x^2;
> F<a> := FunctionField(f);
> D1 := Zeros(a)[1] - Poles(F!x)[1];
> D2 := Zeros(a)[4] - Poles(F!x)[2];
> G,mapfromG,maptoG:=ClassGroup(F : Proof:=false);
> Order(maptoG(D1));
> Order(maptoG(D2));
> TateLichtenbaumPairing(D1,D2,48);
> TateLichtenbaumPairing(D2,D1,336);

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