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Newton Polygons
      Creation of Newton Polygons
      Vertices and Faces of Polygons
      Tests for Points and Faces
Polynomials Associated with Newton Polygons
Finding Valuations of Roots of Polynomials from Newton Polygons
Using Newton Polygons to Find Roots of Polynomials over Series Rings
      Operations not associated with Duval's Algorithm
      Operations associated with Duval's algorithm
      Roots of Polynomials



Newton Polygons

      Creation of Newton Polygons
            NewtonPolygon(f) : RngMPolElt -> NwtnPgon
            NewtonPolygon(f) : RngUPolElt -> NwtnPgon
            NewtonPolygon(f, p) : RngUPolElt, RngOrdIdl -> NwtnPgon
            NewtonPolygon(f, p) : RngUPolElt, PlcFunElt -> NwtnPgon
            NewtonPolygon(C) : Crv -> NwtnPgon
            NewtonPolygon(V) : SeqEnum -> NwtnPgon
            DefiningPoints(N) : NwtnPgon -> SeqEnum
            Example Newton_create-ex (H46E1)

      Vertices and Faces of Polygons
            Faces(N) : NwtnPgon -> SeqEnum
            InnerFaces(N) : NwtnPgon -> SeqEnum
            LowerFaces(N) : NwtnPgon -> SeqEnum
            OuterFaces(N) : NwtnPgon -> SeqEnum
            AllFaces(N) : NwtnPgon -> SeqEnum
            Example Newton_faces-ex (H46E2)
            Vertices(N) : NwtnPgon -> SeqEnum
            InnerVertices(N) : NwtnPgon -> SeqEnum
            LowerVertices(N) : NwtnPgon -> SeqEnum
            OuterVertices(N) : NwtnPgon -> SeqEnum
            AllVertices(N) : NwtnPgon -> SeqEnum
            Example Newton_vertices-ex (H46E3)
            EndVertices(F) : NwtnPgonFace -> SeqEnum
            FacesContaining(N,p) : NwtnPgon,Tup -> SeqEnum
            Example Newton_sp-vertices-ex (H46E4)
            GradientVector(F) : NwtnPgonFace -> Tup
            GradientVectors(N) : NwtnPgon -> [ Tup ]
            Weight(F) : NwtnPgonFace -> RngIntElt
            Slopes(N) : NwtnPgon -> SeqEnum
            InnerSlopes(N) : NwtnPgon -> SeqEnum
            Example Newton_grad-ex (H46E5)

      Tests for Points and Faces
            IsFace(N, F) : NwtnPgon,Tup -> BoolElt
            IsVertex(N, p) : NwtnPgon,Tup -> BoolElt
            IsInterior(N,p) : NwtnPgon,Tup -> BoolElt
            IsBoundary(N, p) : NwtnPgon,Tup -> BoolElt
            IsPoint(N,p) : NwtnPgon,Tup -> BoolElt

Polynomials Associated with Newton Polygons
      HasPolynomial(N) : NwtnPgon -> BoolElt
      Polynomial(N) : NwtnPgon -> RngElt
      ParentRing(N) : NwtnPgon -> Rng
      IsNewtonPolygonOf(N, f) : NwtnPgon, RngElt -> BoolElt
      FaceFunction(F) : NwtnPgonFace -> RngElt
      IsDegenerate(F) : NwtnPgonFace -> BoolElt
      IsDegenerate(N) : NwtnPgon -> BoolElt

Finding Valuations of Roots of Polynomials from Newton Polygons
      ValuationsOfRoots(f) : RngUPolElt -> [ < RngIntElt, RngIntElt > ]
      ValuationsOfRoots(f, p) : RngUPolElt, RngIntElt -> [ < RngIntElt, RngIntElt > ]

Using Newton Polygons to Find Roots of Polynomials over Series Rings
      SetVerbose("Newton", v) : MonStgElt, RngIntElt ->

      Operations not associated with Duval's Algorithm
            PuiseuxExpansion(f, n) : RngUPolElt, RngIntElt -> SeqEnum[RngSerPuisElt]
            ExpandToPrecision(f, c, n) : RngUPolElt, RngSerElt, RngIntElt -> RngSerElt
            ImplicitFunction(f, d, n) : RngUPolElt, RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> RngSerElt
            Example Newton_poly-ops-ex (H46E6)
            IsPartialRoot(f, c) : RngUPolElt, RngSerElt -> BoolElt
            IsUniquePartialRoot(f, c) : RngUPolElt, RngSerElt -> BoolElt
            Example Newton_pol-is (H46E7)
            PuiseuxExponents(p) : RngSerElt -> SeqEnum
            PuiseuxExponentsCommon(p, q) : RngSerElt, RngSerElt -> SeqEnum
            Example Newton_exps (H46E8)

      Operations associated with Duval's algorithm
            DuvalPuiseuxExpansion(f, n) : RngUPolElt, RngIntElt -> SeqEnum
            ParametrizationToPuiseux(T) : Tup -> SeqEnum
            PuiseuxToParametrization(S) : RngSerElt -> Tup
            Example Newton_duval-ex (H46E9)

      Roots of Polynomials
            Roots(f) : RngUPolElt -> [<RngSerElt, RngIntElt>]
            HasRoot(f) : RngUPolElt -> BoolElt, RngSerElt
            Example Newton_roots-ex (H46E10)


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