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Using Newton Polygons to Find Roots of Polynomials over Series Rings

The operations described in this section are relevant for polynomials over series rings. There are two main algorithms involved.

SetVerbose("Newton", v) : MonStgElt, RngIntElt ->
Set the verbose printing to level v for PuiseuxExpansion, ExpandToPrecision, DuvalPuiseuxExpansion, Roots and ImplicitFunction. A level of 1 will mean that any partial solutions that could not be expanded to the precision requested will be printed before an error is returned except for Roots. The polynomials used in forming extensions will also be printed before the extension is computed. In Roots, the algorithm used to compute the expansions will be printed. When Walker's algorithm is being used the current value of the denominator will be printed. For ImplicitFunction a warning about a potentially bad value of d will be printed if the value of d given is not divisible by the exponent denominator of some coefficient of f. A level of 2 will print the last polynomials calculated during the newton polygon part of PuiseuxExpansion and DuvalPuiseuxExpansion and some evaluated polynomials during ImplicitFunction.

Operations not associated with Duval's Algorithm

PuiseuxExpansion(f, n) : RngUPolElt, RngIntElt -> SeqEnum[RngSerPuisElt]
    PreciseRoot: BoolElt                Default: false
    TestSquarefree: BoolElt             Default: true
    NoExtensions: BoolElt               Default: false
    LowerFaces: BoolElt                 Default: true
    OneRoot: BoolElt                    Default: false
    SetVerbose("Newton", n):            Maximum: 2
This function implements the algorithm described in [Wal78].

Return a sequence of partial expansions of the roots of the polynomial f over a series ring as puiseux series. The roots are returned with relative precision at least n/d where d is the least common multiple of exponent denominator for the series expansion and the exponent denominators of the coefficients of the f. An input of n = 0 will return the expansions calculated by the newton polygon part of the algorithm and these will be to the precision of what is known. The coefficient ring of the series ring containing the coefficients of f must always be a field and unless extensions are not required it must be able to be extended.

If the coefficient ring of the series ring is a finite field whose characteristic is less than or equal to the degree of the polynomial then the denominators computed in the newton polygon part of the algorithm may not be bounded and the function will return an error. However, it is possible for some polynomials that the denominators will be bounded. This is stated by [Gri95], pg 269 -- 272.

Care needs to be taken with polynomials whose coefficients have low precision. The algorithm must extract from f the squarefree part and in doing so lose even more precision. The result is that the algorithm may not have enough precision to calculate the expansions correctly. A solution is to set TestSquarefree to false if the polynomial is known to have no multiple roots. However this will not solve all precision problems and the answer is only as good as the precision allows it to be.

If PreciseRoot is set to true then the partial expansions to be returned are checked and if any are exact roots of f they are returned with full precision. If NoExtensions is set to true then expansions are found within the puiseux series ring only. By default, the coefficient ring of the series ring is extended to find all the partial expansions. If LowerFaces is set to false then expansions with negative valuations will not be found. If OneRoot is set to true then representatives of conjugate roots only will be found instead of each of the roots individually.

Note that it may useful to define the polynomial over an algebraically closed field (via AlgebraicClosure), so that all roots may be found.

ExpandToPrecision(f, c, n) : RngUPolElt, RngSerElt, RngIntElt -> RngSerElt
    PreciseRoot: BoolElt                Default: false
    TestSquarefree: BoolElt             Default: true
    SetVerbose("Newton", n):            Maximum: 2
Given a polynomial f over a Puiseux series ring and a partial root c of that polynomial (found by PuiseuxExpansion for example) continue to expand that root until it has relative precision n/d where d is the least common multiple of the exponent denominator of c and the exponent denominators of the coefficients of f. If c is given to greater precision (or length greater than n if its precision is infinite), the relative precision of c is reduced to n/d. An error results if c is not a partial expansion to precision n/d. If PreciseRoot is true then the partial expansion to be returned is checked and if it is an exact root of f it is returned with full precision. All input is checked for being an exact root regardless. If TestSquarefree is false the polynomial will not be made squarefree. This may avoid some loss of precision but may result in some unique partial roots not being recognized as unique partial roots and as such they cannot be expanded.

An error may result if c is a partial root of f but the exponent denominator of the full expansion is greater than that of c. Therefore for c to be expanded it must have the same denominator as the expansion it is part of. This will rarely be an issue for those partial expansions resulting from PusieuxExpansion which did not encounter problems with precision in the newton polygon part since the algorithm for this will find at least as much of the expansion as necessary to compute the exponent denominator.

ImplicitFunction(f, d, n) : RngUPolElt, RngIntElt, RngIntElt -> RngSerElt
    SetVerbose("Newton", n):            Maximum: 2
Return a root of the polynomial f over a series ring. The input d is the denominator (or a multiple of) the exponent denominator of the root. The root is given to absolute precision n/d. The evaluation of f at zero (polynomial) evaluated at zero (series) must be zero but that of its derivative must be nonzero.

Example Newton_poly-ops-ex (H46E6)

This example illustrates the joint use of PuiseuxExpansion and ExpandToPrecision which can be used together to gain and improve partial roots of a polynomial. The use of ExpandToPrecision following PuiseuxExpansion avoids the recalculation of information already known.

> P<x> := PuiseuxSeriesRing(Rationals());
> R<y> := PolynomialRing(P);
> f := y^3 + 2*x^-1*y^2 + 1*x^-2*y + 2*x;
> c := PuiseuxExpansion(f, 0);
> A<a> := Parent(c[1]);
> N<n> := CoefficientRing(A);
> Q<q> := PolynomialRing(A);
> c;
    -2*a^3 + O(a^4),
    -a^-1 + n*a + O(a^2),
    -a^-1 - n*a + O(a^2)
> [ExpandToPrecision(f, c[i], 10) : i in [1 .. #c]];
    -2*a^3 - 8*a^7 - 56*a^11 + O(a^13),
    -a^-1 + n*a + a^3 + 5/4*n*a^5 + 4*a^7 + O(a^9),
    -a^-1 - n*a + a^3 - 5/4*n*a^5 + 4*a^7 + O(a^9)
The same results could have been gained using PuiseuxExpansion with the required precision in the first place.

> c := PuiseuxExpansion(f, 10);
> A<a> := Parent(c[1]);
> N<n> := CoefficientRing(A);
> c;
    -2*a^3 - 8*a^7 - 56*a^11 + O(a^13),
    -a^-1 + n*a + a^3 + 5/4*n*a^5 + 4*a^7 + O(a^9),
    -a^-1 - n*a + a^3 - 5/4*n*a^5 + 4*a^7 + O(a^9)
However, asking for more precision requires time so that if it is not necessary the extra calculation can be avoided and if more precision happens to be required then it can be gained without recalculation. ExpandToPrecision is also called on only one root so that if only one expansion is required using PusieuxExpansion and then ExpandToPrecision will not calculate any unnecessary information.

> time c := PuiseuxExpansion(f, 100);
Time: 2.810
> time c := PuiseuxExpansion(f, 10);
Time: 0.060
> A<a> := Parent(c[1]);
> N<n> := CoefficientRing(A);
> time ExpandToPrecision(f, c[1], 100);
-2*a^3 - 8*a^7 - 56*a^11 - 480*a^15 - 4576*a^19 - 46592*a^23 - 
    496128*a^27 - 5457408*a^31 - 61529600*a^35 - 707266560*a^39 - 
    8257566720*a^43 - 97654702080*a^47 - 1167349284864*a^51 - 
    14082308833280*a^55 - 171221451538432*a^59 - 
    2096081963188224*a^63 - 25814314231136256*a^67 - 
    319605795242639360*a^71 - 3975750610806374400*a^75 - 
    49666299938073477120*a^79 - 622818862289639178240*a^83 - 
    7837247078959687925760*a^87 - 98931046460491133091840*a^91 - 
    1252424949872174982758400*a^95 - 15897106567806080658702336*a^99
    + O(a^103)
Time: 0.410

IsPartialRoot(f, c) : RngUPolElt, RngSerElt -> BoolElt
Return true if the series c can be expanded to at least one root of the polynomial f.
IsUniquePartialRoot(f, c) : RngUPolElt, RngSerElt -> BoolElt
    TestSquarefree: BoolElt             Default: true
Return true if the series c can be expanded to exactly one distinct root of the polynomial f. By default f will have multiple factors removed to allow partial expansions of multiple roots to be recognized as being unique. If TestSquarefree is set to false then f will be taken as given which may avoid errors due to lost precision but may not pick partial expansions of multiple roots as being unique and as such is best used when f is squarefree or the expansion is known to be of a single root.

Example Newton_pol-is (H46E7)

The above 2 functions can be used to reduce the occurrence of errors from ExpandToPrecision by checking that the input can be expanded. Errors resulting from a lack of precision which means that the expansion cannot be calculated to the requested precision are the only errors that cannot be removed. Only unique partial roots can be expanded. If a partial root is not unique then calling PuiseuxExpansion will provide several further partial expansions of the partial root that will themselves be unique and so can be used to calculate several expansions of the original.

> P<x> := PuiseuxSeriesRing(Rationals());
> R<y> := PolynomialRing(P);
> f := (y^2 - x^3)^2 - y*x^6;
> IsPartialRoot(f, x^(3/2));

> ExpandToPrecision(f, x^(3/2), 10); >> ExpandToPrecision(f, x^(3/2), 10); ^ Runtime error in 'ExpandToPrecision': Element is not a unique partial root of the polynomial > IsUniquePartialRoot(f, x^(3/2)); false > c := PuiseuxExpansion(f, 0); > A<a> := Parent(c[1]); > N<n> := CoefficientRing(A); > Q<q> := PolynomialRing(A); > c; [ a^(3/2) + 1/2*a^(9/4) + O(a^(5/2)), a^(3/2) - 1/2*a^(9/4) + O(a^(5/2)), -a^(3/2) + 1/2*n*a^(9/4) + O(a^(5/2)), -a^(3/2) - 1/2*n*a^(9/4) + O(a^(5/2)) ] > IsUniquePartialRoot(f, x^(3/2) + 1/2*x^(9/4)); true > ExpandToPrecision(f, x^(3/2) + 1/2*x^(9/4), 10); x^(3/2) + 1/2*x^(9/4) - 1/64*x^(15/4) + O(x^4)
> ExpandToPrecision(f, x^(3/2) + x^2, 30); >> ExpandToPrecision(f, x^(3/2) + x^2, 30); ^ Runtime error in 'ExpandToPrecision': Element is not a partial root of the polynomial > IsPartialRoot(f, x^(3/2) + x^2); false
So if IsPartialRoot returns false then no expansion can be made. If IsUniquePartialRoot returns false (but IsPartialRoot returns true) then several expansions can be made after calling PuiseuxExpansion.
PuiseuxExponents(p) : RngSerElt -> SeqEnum
Given a series expansion return the sequence of exponents [a/b] of the non zero terms of the series p up to and including the first one where b is the global denominator for the series.
PuiseuxExponentsCommon(p, q) : RngSerElt, RngSerElt -> SeqEnum
Given two series return the sequence of exponents [a/b] of the non zero initial terms of the series p and q which are equal up to but not including the first unequal terms.

Example Newton_exps (H46E8)

This example illustrates how PuiseuxExponents and PuiseuxExponentsCommon can be used on output from PusieuxExpansion. (Similar can be done with related functions and general series).

> P<x> := PuiseuxSeriesRing(FiniteField(5, 3));
> R<y> := PolynomialRing(P);
> f := (1+x)*y^4 - x^(-1/3)*y^2 + y + x^(1/2);
> time c := PuiseuxExpansion(f, 5); 
Time: 0.030
> c;
    4*x^(1/2) + x^(2/3) + 3*x^(5/6) + x^(7/6) + O(x^(4/3)),
    x^(1/3) + x^(1/2) + 4*x^(2/3) + 2*x^(5/6) + O(x^(7/6)),
    4*x^(-1/6) + 2*x^(1/3) + O(x^(2/3)),
    x^(-1/6) + 2*x^(1/3) + O(x^(2/3))
> PuiseuxExponents(c[1]);
[ 1/2, 2/3, 5/6 ]
> PuiseuxExponents(c[3]);
[ -1/6 ]
> P<x> := PuiseuxSeriesRing(FiniteField(5, 3));
> R<y> := PolynomialRing(P);
> f := ((y^2 - x^3)^2 - y*x^6)^2 - y*x^15;
> c := PuiseuxExpansion(f, 0);
> A<a> := Parent(c[1]);
> N<n> := CoefficientRing(A);
> Q<q> := PolynomialRing(A);
> c;
    4*a^(3/2) + 4*a^(9/4) + 4*a^3 + O(a^(13/4)),
    4*a^(3/2) + 4*a^(9/4) + a^3 + O(a^(13/4)),
    4*a^(3/2) + a^(9/4) + 4*a^3 + O(a^(13/4)),
    4*a^(3/2) + a^(9/4) + a^3 + O(a^(13/4)),
    a^(3/2) + 3*a^(9/4) + 4*a^3 + O(a^(13/4)),
    a^(3/2) + 3*a^(9/4) + a^3 + O(a^(13/4)),
    a^(3/2) + 2*a^(9/4) + 4*a^3 + O(a^(13/4)),
    a^(3/2) + 2*a^(9/4) + a^3 + O(a^(13/4))
> PuiseuxExponentsCommon(c[1], c[1]);
[ 3/2, 9/4, 3 ]
> PuiseuxExponentsCommon(c[1], c[2]);
[ 3/2, 9/4 ]
> PuiseuxExponentsCommon(c[1], c[3]);
[ 3/2 ]
> PuiseuxExponentsCommon(c[1], c[8]);

Operations associated with Duval's algorithm

The following functions have a similar use to those given above but implement a different algorithm, namely that of [Duv89] which is faster and can handle larger degree polynomials. However, it can only be used with polynomials which are essentially over a laurent series ring and the coefficient ring of that laurent series ring has either characteristic zero or characteristic greater than the degrees of the squarefree factors of the polynomial.

DuvalPuiseuxExpansion(f, n) : RngUPolElt, RngIntElt -> SeqEnum
    Version: MonStgElt                  Default: "Rational"
    TestSquarefree: BoolElt             Default: true
    NoExtensions: BoolElt               Default: false
    LowerFaces: BoolElt                 Default: true
    OneRoot: BoolElt                    Default: false
    SetVerbose("Newton", n):            Maximum: 2
A sequence of parametrizations of puiseux expansions of roots of f, as puiseux series, where f is a polynomial over a series ring. The expansions will have at least n non zero terms (unless the expansion is finite and has less than n non zero terms), with more than n occurring only if n is less than the number of terms returned by the newton polygon part of the algorithm. The coefficients of f must have exponent denominator 1.

This algorithm is faster than that given by Walker and implemented in PuiseuxExpansion, since it doesn't calculate non zero terms explicitly and doesn't make all necessary extensions during the algorithm leaving some to be made when the series is computed from the parametrizations.

If f has coefficients with finite precision then the expansions can only be computed to as many non zero terms as can be known for that expansion. After this limit has been reached, an error results since the next non zero term is not known. If f has roots with finite puiseux expansions then if n is greater than the number of non zero terms in the expansion the expansion is returned with infinite precision.

If Version is set to "Classical" then the (slower) classical branch of the algorithm will be run which makes all extensions necessary for the computation of the expansions. It is still faster than PusieuxExpansion since it does not iterate through and calculate zero terms but will encounter the same problems that PuiseuxExpansion does with field extensions over the rationals. The classical version will return as many parametrizations as there are expansions and some of these parametrizations will give the same set of expansions.

If NoExtensions is set to true then only the expansions which lie in the puiseux series ring corresponding to the coefficient ring of f are calculated. Otherwise, all the expansions of roots of f are calculated regardless of where they lie. LowerFaces and OneRoot work as for PuiseuxExpansion.

This algorithm works with the squarefree part of f only. If any coefficient of f has low precision then this step may make it impossible for any information about the expansions to be gained due to a loss of further precision. A way around this is to set TestSquarefree to false if the polynomial is known to be squarefree. This may result in some information being returned but such information is only as good as the precision it was allowed.

ParametrizationToPuiseux(T) : Tup -> SeqEnum
The series that satisfy the parametrization T. These are found by evaluating T[2] at t where T[1] = λte.
PuiseuxToParametrization(S) : RngSerElt -> Tup
A parametrization of the series S. It is the simplest one which takes the denominator out of S and makes it the exponent of the first entry in the parametrization.

Example Newton_duval-ex (H46E9)

This example illustrates the use of DuvalPuiseuxExpansion and ParametrizationToPuiseux to gain the information given by PuiseuxExpansion and also compares the performance of the two algorithms. It also highlights some of the anomalies that may be encountered due to precision concerns.

> P<x> := PuiseuxSeriesRing(Rationals());
> R<y> := PolynomialRing(P);
> f := (y^2 - x^3)^2 - y*x^6;
> time D := DuvalPuiseuxExpansion(f, 0);
Time: 0.000
> D;
    <16*x^4, 64*x^6 + 256*x^9 + O(x^10)>
> time P := ParametrizationToPuiseux(D[1]);
Time: 0.060
> A<a> := Parent(P[1]);
> N<n> := CoefficientRing(A);
> P;
    a^(3/2) + 1/2*a^(9/4) + O(a^(5/2)),
    a^(3/2) - 1/2*a^(9/4) + O(a^(5/2)),
    -a^(3/2) + 1/2*n*a^(9/4) + O(a^(5/2)),
    -a^(3/2) - 1/2*n*a^(9/4) + O(a^(5/2))
> time c := PuiseuxExpansion(f, 0); 
Time: 0.050
Here it can be seen that the newton polygon part of the algorithm is substantially faster using Duval's method, though the converting of the parametrization to a series is not as fast. Asking for more terms shows this more substantially.

> time D := DuvalPuiseuxExpansion(f, 10);
Time: 0.020
> D;                                       
    <16*x^4, 64*x^6 + 256*x^9 - 512*x^15 + 2048*x^18 - 4608*x^21 + 56320*x^27 - 
        294912*x^30 + 792064*x^33 - 12082176*x^39 + 68157440*x^42 + O(x^43)>
> time P := ParametrizationToPuiseux(D[1]);
Time: 0.129
> time c := PuiseuxExpansion(f, 10);       
Time: 0.100
> A<a> := Parent(c[1]);
> N<n> := CoefficientRing(A);
> c;
    a^(3/2) + 1/2*a^(9/4) - 1/64*a^(15/4) + O(a^4),
    a^(3/2) - 1/2*a^(9/4) + 1/64*a^(15/4) + O(a^4),
    -a^(3/2) + 1/2*n*a^(9/4) + 1/64*n*a^(15/4) + O(a^4),
    -a^(3/2) - 1/2*n*a^(9/4) - 1/64*n*a^(15/4) + O(a^4)
> A<a> := Parent(P[1]);
> N<n> := CoefficientRing(A);
> P;
    a^(3/2) + 1/2*a^(9/4) - 1/64*a^(15/4) + 1/128*a^(9/2) - 9/4096*a^(21/4) + 
        55/131072*a^(27/4) - 9/32768*a^(15/2) + 1547/16777216*a^(33/4) - 
        11799/536870912*a^(39/4) + 65/4194304*a^(21/2) + O(a^(43/4)),
    a^(3/2) - 1/2*a^(9/4) + 1/64*a^(15/4) + 1/128*a^(9/2) + 9/4096*a^(21/4) - 
        55/131072*a^(27/4) - 9/32768*a^(15/2) - 1547/16777216*a^(33/4) + 
        11799/536870912*a^(39/4) + 65/4194304*a^(21/2) + O(a^(43/4)),
    -a^(3/2) + 1/2*n*a^(9/4) + 1/64*n*a^(15/4) - 1/128*a^(9/2) - 
        9/4096*n*a^(21/4) - 55/131072*n*a^(27/4) + 9/32768*a^(15/2) + 
        1547/16777216*n*a^(33/4) + 11799/536870912*n*a^(39/4) - 
        65/4194304*a^(21/2) + O(a^(43/4)),
    -a^(3/2) - 1/2*n*a^(9/4) - 1/64*n*a^(15/4) - 1/128*a^(9/2) + 
        9/4096*n*a^(21/4) + 55/131072*n*a^(27/4) + 9/32768*a^(15/2) - 
        1547/16777216*n*a^(33/4) - 11799/536870912*n*a^(39/4) - 
        65/4194304*a^(21/2) + O(a^(43/4))
It can be seen that the computation of the information is a lot faster using Duval's method. It is only the cosmetic of converting this information into series that could make this algorithm seem slow. But also note that there is much greater information given by Duval's algorithm. The equivalent information is given below.

> time D := DuvalPuiseuxExpansion(f, 3);   
Time: 0.009
> time P := ParametrizationToPuiseux(D[1]);
Time: 0.049
> A<a> := Parent(P[1]);
> N<n> := CoefficientRing(A);
> P;
    a^(3/2) + 1/2*a^(9/4) - 1/64*a^(15/4) + O(a^4),
    a^(3/2) - 1/2*a^(9/4) + 1/64*a^(15/4) + O(a^4),
    -a^(3/2) + 1/2*n*a^(9/4) + 1/64*n*a^(15/4) + O(a^4),
    -a^(3/2) - 1/2*n*a^(9/4) - 1/64*n*a^(15/4) + O(a^4)
One thing that may be taken for granted from PuiseuxExpansion is that all the expansions lie in the same puiseux series ring. However, for DuvalPuiseuxExpansion this may not be the case. It will always be true that each of the parametrizations will lie in the same puiseux series ring but series resulting from different parametrizations may not. This occurs since some extensions are left to the stage of calculating the series from the parametrization to be made and for different parametrizations these extensions may be different.

> f := (-x^3 + x^4) - 2*x^2*y - x*y^2 + 2*x*y^4 + y^5;
> time D := DuvalPuiseuxExpansion(f, 0);
Time: 0.010
> D;
    <x^2, -x^2 - x^3 + O(x^4)>,
    <x^3, x + O(x^2)>
> time P := ParametrizationToPuiseux(D[1]);
Time: 0.000
> P;
    -x - x^(3/2) + O(x^2),
    -x + x^(3/2) + O(x^2)
> Parent(P[1]);
Puiseux series field in x over Rational Field
> time P := ParametrizationToPuiseux(D[2]);
Time: 0.030
> A<a> := Parent(P[1]);
> N<n> := CoefficientRing(A);
> P;
    a^(1/3) + O(a^(2/3)),
    n*a^(1/3) + O(a^(2/3)),
    (-n - 1)*a^(1/3) + O(a^(2/3))
> Parent(P[1]);
Puiseux series field in a over N
> N;
Number Field with defining polynomial $.1^2 + $.1 + 1 over the Rational Field
DuvalPuiseuxExpansion reacts differently to PuiseuxExpansion when given input which has finite expansions either due to finite precision or exact roots. These differences are shown below and are due to the fact that DuvalPuiseuxExpansion always looks for the next non zero term in an expansion whereas PuiseuxExpansion will calculate zero terms.

> f := y - x^3 - x^7 - x^76 + O(x^200);
> D := DuvalPuiseuxExpansion(f, 0);
> D;
    <x, x^3 + O(x^4)>
> D := DuvalPuiseuxExpansion(f, 3);
> D;
    <x, x^3 + x^7 + x^76 + O(x^77)>

> D := DuvalPuiseuxExpansion(f, 4); >> D := DuvalPuiseuxExpansion(f, 4); ^ Runtime error in 'DuvalPuiseuxExpansion': Insufficient precision to calculate to requested precision > c := PuiseuxExpansion(f, 197); > c; [ x^3 + x^7 + x^76 + O(x^200) ]
> c := PuiseuxExpansion(f, 200); >> c := PuiseuxExpansion(f, 200); ^ Runtime error in 'PuiseuxExpansion': Insufficient precision to calculate to requested precision > f := y - x^3 - x^7 - x^76; > D := DuvalPuiseuxExpansion(f, 0); > D; [ <x, x^3 + O(x^4)> ] > D := DuvalPuiseuxExpansion(f, 3); > D; [ <x, x^3 + x^7 + x^76 + O(x^77)> ] > D := DuvalPuiseuxExpansion(f, 4); > D; [ <x, x^3 + x^7 + x^76> ] > c := PuiseuxExpansion(f, 10); > c; [ x^3 + x^7 + O(x^13) ] > c := PuiseuxExpansion(f, 100); > c; [ x^3 + x^7 + x^76 + O(x^103) ] > c := PuiseuxExpansion(f, 200); > c; [ x^3 + x^7 + x^76 + O(x^203) ] > c := PuiseuxExpansion(f, 200 : PreciseRoot := true); > c; [ x^3 + x^7 + x^76 ]
The two methods can be combined. Given a series there is no way that Duval's REGULAR algorithm can be used to further the precision of an expansion. But ExpandToPrecision can be used to gain the extra precision. Using the REGULAR algorithm would be preferable since it is faster but this is not possible for the type of input that is available. This is explored in the case of our first example.

> f := (y^2 - x^3)^2 - y*x^6;
> time D := DuvalPuiseuxExpansion(f, 0);
Time: 0.009
> time P := ParametrizationToPuiseux(D[1]);
Time: 0.050
> A<a> := Parent(P[1]);
> N<n> := CoefficientRing(A);
> P;
    a^(3/2) + 1/2*a^(9/4) + O(a^(5/2)),
    a^(3/2) - 1/2*a^(9/4) + O(a^(5/2)),
    -a^(3/2) + 1/2*n*a^(9/4) + O(a^(5/2)),
    -a^(3/2) - 1/2*n*a^(9/4) + O(a^(5/2))
> time ExpandToPrecision(f, P[1], 20);
a^(3/2) + 1/2*a^(9/4) - 1/64*a^(15/4) + 1/128*a^(9/2) - 9/4096*a^(21/4) + 
Time: 0.070
> time D := DuvalPuiseuxExpansion(f, 5);
Time: 0.010
> time P := ParametrizationToPuiseux(D[1]);
Time: 0.059
It can be seen that using ExpandToPrecision is slower even than rerunning Duval's algorithm from the beginning. Even more so when it is remembered that running Duval's algorithm with the extra precision will give parametrizations of all the expansions of the roots of f and not just one expansion. This seems to still be the case when larger examples are considered so that if more terms of an expansion are required it is probably best to start from the beginning asking for these extra terms.

> time p1 := ExpandToPrecision(f, P[1], 50);     
> A<a> := Parent(p1);
> N<n> := CoefficientRing(A);
> p1;
a^(3/2) + 1/2*a^(9/4) - 1/64*a^(15/4) + 1/128*a^(9/2) - 9/4096*a^(21/4) + 
    55/131072*a^(27/4) - 9/32768*a^(15/2) + 1547/16777216*a^(33/4) - 
    11799/536870912*a^(39/4) + 65/4194304*a^(21/2) - 189805/34359738368*a^(45/4)
    + 1584999/1099511627776*a^(51/4) - 2261/2147483648*a^(27/2) + O(a^14)
Time: 0.439
> time D := DuvalPuiseuxExpansion(f, 13);
Time: 0.009
> time P := ParametrizationToPuiseux(D[1]);
Time: 0.200

Roots of Polynomials

This section describes two similar functions that can be used for finding roots of polynomials over series rings in a similar way to finding roots of polynomials over any other ring for which roots can be computed in Magma.

Roots(f) : RngUPolElt -> [<RngSerElt, RngIntElt>]
Roots(f, n) : RngUPolElt, RngIntElt -> [<RngSerElt, RngIntElt>]
    SetVerbose("Newton", n):            Maximum: 2
Find the roots of the polynomial f which lie in the coefficient ring of f. The first form of this function can be used on any polynomial over any ring for which Magma can compute roots. Since precision is an issue in series rings and some roots may have infinite expansions, the second version of this function which is specific to series rings allows a lower bound for the precision to which these roots will be known to be specified. The first computes the roots to at least the default precision of the ring if that ring has infinite precision otherwise it computes them to at least the precision of the ring. The first version will be enough when all the coefficients of the polynomial have infinite precision. The second version may be required when a precision other than that assumed by the first is sought which may be due to the impossibility of computing the roots to such a high precision as the default. The precision is relative to the least common multiple of the exponent denominators of the coefficients of f and the exponent denominator of the root. Roots which are known to be different but are identical to the precision specified will be returned as two distinct roots.

Duval's algorithm as implemented in DuvalPuiseuxExpansion will usually be used. Walker's algorithm as implemented in PuiseuxExpansion will be used if the polynomial has coefficients involving fractional powers or the characteristic of the coefficient ring of the series ring is less than the degree of a squarefree factor.

If Walker's algorithm is used and the characteristic of the field is less than the degree of the polynomial then the computation may not finish (see remarks under PuiseuxExpansion) and control will return to the user when interrupted.

If verbose printing of partial output that doesn't have enough precision is required the functions PuiseuxExpansion and DuvalPuiseuxExpansion should be used with the appropriate precision. Roots also requires that there is enough precision in the roots so that the multiplicities can be calculated correctly and the parts of the roots that are returned are distinct. Therefore an error will be given if there is not enough precision to calculate the part of the root that results from the newton polygon part of the algorithm and the root is not known to be a single root since the multiplicity may not be able to be calculated correctly. Information at such a low precision can be gained correctly by using the PuiseuxExpansion functions and determining the multiplicities manually.

HasRoot(f) : RngUPolElt -> BoolElt, RngSerElt
Return true if the polynomial f has a root in its coefficient ring and that root can be found to the fixed or default precision of the ring as applicable. A root is also returned in this case. If f is irreducible over its coefficient ring then return false.

Example Newton_roots-ex (H46E10)

Below are some examples of the use of the Roots function.

> SetVerbose("Newton", 1);
> P<x> := PuiseuxSeriesRing(Rationals());
> R<y> := PolynomialRing(P);
> f := y^3 + 2*x^-1*y^2 + 1*x^-2*y + 2*x;
> Roots(f);
    <-2*x^3 - 8*x^7 - 56*x^11 - 480*x^15 - 4576*x^19 + O(x^23), 1>
> f := f^2;
> Roots(f);
   <-2*x^3 - 8*x^7 - 56*x^11 - 480*x^15 - 4576*x^19 + O(x^23), 2> 
> f := y^3 + 2*x^-1*y^2 + 1*x^-2*y + 2*x;
> f +:= O(x^20)*(y^3 + y^2 + y + 1);
> f;
(1 + O(x^20))*y^3 + (2*x^-1 + O(x^20))*y^2 + (x^-2 + O(x^20))*y + 2*x + O(x^20)

> Roots(f); DUVAL : >> Roots(f); ^ Runtime error in 'Roots': Roots not calculable to default precision > Roots(f, 10); DUVAL : [ <-2*x^3 - 8*x^7 - 56*x^11 + O(x^13), 1> ] > f := f^2; > f; (1 + O(x^20))*y^6 + (4*x^-1 + O(x^19))*y^5 + (6*x^-2 + O(x^18))*y^4 + (4*x^-3 + 4*x + O(x^18))*y^3 + (x^-4 + 8 + O(x^18))*y^2 + (4*x^-1 + O(x^18))*y + 4*x^2 + O(x^21) > Roots(f, 10); DUVAL : [ <-2*x^3 - 8*x^7 - 56*x^11 + O(x^13), 2> ] > f := (y - x^(1/4))*(y - x^(1/3)); > Roots(f); WALKER : [ <x^(1/3) + O(x^2), 1>, <x^(1/4) + O(x^(23/12)), 1> ]
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