TCC Course (Winter 2012)

Random walks on matrix groups

Course Objectives:

The limit laws for the sums x1+...+xn of independent identically distributed random variables xi are fundamental in mathematics and its applications. For instance, the Law of Large Numbers predicts that (x1+...+xn)/n converges to the expectated value of xi, and the deviation from this limit is described by the Central Limit Theorem.

In this course we investigate the analogous noncommutative problem, namely, the asymptotic behaviour of the products Xn...X1 of d-dimensional random matrices Xi. It turns out that to handle noncommuting products, one needs to develop quite different techniques, and a number of remarkable new phenomena emerge. This theory has been developed by Furstenberg, Guivarc'h, Kesten, Le Page, Raugi, and others. It is not only beautiful on its own right, but now it also plays important role in several areas in analysis and geometry related to recurrence properties, harmonic functions, and Schrodinger operators.

We plan to cover the following topics:

In this course we only assume basic knowledge of Probability and Analysis.

Time: Tue. 3-5pm; See TCC Timetable

Lecture notes:

Homework Problems:

Course Assessment: The course will be assessed by problem sheets that will be posted here.
